2024/04/25 17:00:00
gem school
2024/04/25 What a restaurant!
2024/04/18 Cozy Quilt
2024/04/04 Fun times in Kobe
2024/02/13 Next and Only Red Moon
2024/01/30 Lunar Occultation of Antares
2024/01/23 Have you ever seen a total solar eclipse?
2024/01/16 Gamma-Ursae Minorids Meteor Shower
2024/01/09 Spotting Saturn and Jupiter
2023/01/02 Kat's Stupid Storytime 2
2023/12/26 Kat's Stupid Storytime
2023/12/19 St. Nicholas Day
2023/12/12 Geminid Meteor Shower
2023/11/28 More Cassiopeids and Mercury at Opposition
2023/11/21 Cassiopeid meteor shower
2023/11/20 First Time in Japan
2023/11/14 Shooting Stars, Unicorns, and Other Glittery Things
2023/11/07 Taurid Meteor Shower
2023/10/31 Jupiter is big
2023/10/24 Blood Moon
2023/10/10 October: a bad month for stargazing
2023/10/03 Draconid Meteor shower
2023/09/26 planet viewing
2023/09/19 equinox and planets
2023/09/13 Comet Nisimura
2023/09/05 What's an ε-Perseid ?
2023/08/29 Once in a Blue Moon
2023/08/15 Typhoon
2023/08/08 Light Pollution
2023/08/01 More Moon Things
2023/07/25 SkEye Stargazing App
2023/07/18 Delta Aquariid
2023/07/04 Sun Tracking App
2023/06/20 Venus Moon Conjunction
2023/06/20 Venus Moon Conjunction
2023/05/30 Asteroid Watch
2023/05/23 Venus and Mars
2023/05/16 SpaceX
2023/05/09 Fog
2023/05/02 May 6 lunar eclipse
2023/04/18 Why Are Sunrises Boring?
2023/03/28 Total Solar Eclipse
2023/03/28 Total Solar Eclipse
2023/01/27 Christmas Celebrations!
2023/01/20 Christmas Going Away!
2023/01/13 Birthday Present from Friend
2022/12/30 Thanksgiving
2022/12/23 Hiroshima/Miyajima
2022/12/16 Home Cooking
2022/12/09 Wish I Was a Kid Again
2022/12/02 French Toast (:
2022/11/25 Insane Robot???
2022/11/18 A New Member of My Family
2022/11/11 Halloween Donuts!
2022/11/04 Saijo and Niihama Festivals!!!
2022/10/07 Kochi Character Festival
2022/09/30 Mizuga
2022/09/09 Arriving in Japan
2022/07/08 Outside The Utazu Aquarium
2022/06/27 Its pizza time, again
2022/05/16 It's pizza time
2022/05/09 Friends
2022/05/02 Hot Hot earth
2021/05/24 ZOC's new album and tour
2021/03/29 Cannibal special
2021/03/22 What does the fish say?
2021/03/15 Bananas
2021/03/08 Lottery. Big chance. Little chocolate
2021/03/01 Rice, tomato, egg, and love
2021/02/22 Goodbye Kokubunji
2021/02/15 Burgerbike
2021/02/08 Coffee is good hot, cold, and jelly
2021/02/01 Bean day
2020/10/05 hot, spicy, soft, and Chinese.
2020/09/28 This tree. isnt. going.anywhere.
2020/09/21 anti-smoking habits
2020/09/14 24 hour television
2020/09/07 Special Bread
2020/08/31 Another Summer treat
2020/08/24 A soup for the summer
2020/07/27 A temple for all the foods we love
2020/07/20 Sssssh. They are sleeping.
2020/07/13 If you hate bugs, you can skip this post
2020/07/06 I found more tengu (2)
2020/06/29 Tengu Temple
2020/06/08 Coffee and isolation
2020/06/01 Mex
2020/06/15 Look don't Eat
2020/05/18 Exploring my city
2020/05/25 big mountain part 2
2020/05/18 Big Mountain, part 1
2020/05/11 Neighborhood road trip
2020/05/04 Spikey Boi
2020/04/27 Takoyaki party of 1
2020/04/20 Skelleingtons
2020/04/13 Big boys pushing and pulling.
2020/04/06 Old Cars
2020/03/30 This is awful. Who do I ask about this?
2020/03/23 Children Shame
2020/03/16 Toilet Paper
2020/03/10 Ehime Drive
2020/03/09 Dinos and Ice cream.
2020/03/02 Tools of (Dust) warfare.
2020/02/24 Gyoza Party
2020/02/17 OHH man. So sweet and juicy
2020/02/10 Coffe and Coke. Trust me!
2020/02/03 Buttered finger. American spoils
2020/01/30 Kobe.
2020/01/27 Mochi is in America
2020/01/20 Burger boi and sunset
2019/12/19 No Resolutions 2020
2020/01/13 Rice vending machine, what's that?
2020/01/06 Local Ramen shop, best Ramen shop
2019/12/30 New Pot for Me :D
2019/12/23 Mele kalikimaka
2019/12/16 I put Autumn in a bottle
2019/12/02 Japanese soup, and new One Piece
2019/11/11 Ghosts from the Past (The Yokai Museum)
2019/11/04 Boy scouts in America
2019/10/28 The language of the dead
2019/10/21 Bone Check! Am I a skeleton?
2019/10/14 Lion Dance
2019/10/07 I saw a great flower
2019/09/30 Flowers for a friend, not a sad occasion
2019/09/23 Eggs and soup
2019/09/16 Goya boya
2019/09/17 Kochi Castle
2019/09/10 Okayama
2019/09/09 Goats in the Greenhouse, meh meh meh
2019/09/02 Manholes far and close.
2019/08/26 Stormy weather
2019/08/19 Dinner and a movie
2019/07/08 ゴ get ヤ some Okinawan food.
2019/06/03 Rad River Round-up
2019/06/17 Soup on your tie
2019/05/27 Thick, Dark, and delicious soup from way out east.
2019/05/20 A magic, unlike others
2019/05/13 Rules of Engagement.
2019/04/15 New York style Pizza. Yummy in my tum tum.
2019/04/08 Lion-dogs, but not from Okinawa. こま犬
2019/04/01 Coin Lockers, money back every time.
2019/03/04 Cow of a different name
2019/02/25 One MORE Piece
2019/02/18 It came from Jupiter
2019/02/11 Strawberry Ice
2018/08/13 Water salt and sugar
2018/08/06 Change up on my diet
2018/07/16 I passed :D Driving test success.
2018/07/02 I stumbled into a weird part of YT
2018/06/25 Recommendation?
2018/06/18 New drugstore putting me at ease
2018/06/11 Soak it in
2018/06/04 Clear broth; sweet or sour rain.
2018/05/28 Special coffee cans
2018/05/11 Golden Week in Tokyo
2018/05/07 Vacation theme track
2018/04/13 Goodbye
2018/04/09 Farewell
2018/04/03 Sakura Genesis
2018/04/02 Hanahanahana
2018/04/02 Cherry blossoms
2018/03/26 My Birthday in Hiroshima
2018/03/24 Cherry Blossoms!
2018/03/26 Love the sign
2018/03/19 I Saw A Wild Weasel!!!
2018/03/17 Exams.....
2018/03/12 Packing Up Winter
2018/03/08 First time out in Japan
2018/02/27 Portraits
2018/02/26 I ate it all \o/
2018/02/19 Success! Bookshelf created
2018/02/20 Valentines Day
2018/02/12 Last night, I began making furniture.
2018/02/09 My nose
2018/02/05 Groundhog Day
2018/02/03 Illumination
2018/02/05 I didn't hear about this, Noah.
2018/01/29 Sometimes food is painful
2018/01/22 I love the crafts in the store, guys
2018/01/15 Cuteness overload
2018/01/08 Getting back into biking
2018/01/12 World of Warcraft
2018/01/08 Ochazuke
2018/01/06 Cat's are cute!
2018/01/05 Worlds largest aquarium!!
2018/01/01 Happy new bread :D
2017/12/22 CHOCOLATE!!!
2017/12/18 New Winter Bedding
2017/12/15 My 2017
2017/12/11 Cheese
2017/12/09 Sleepy toddlers!
2017/12/09 I Hate Coffee
2017/12/01 The Flash
2017/11/24 Skyrm VR!!
2017/12/26 American English TV
2017/12/19 Christmas is almost here!
2017/12/12 Yakiniku Partaaaay
2017/12/05 Nikkei Cooking
2017/11/28 Presents from Abroad!
2017/11/18 Cold nights and hot drinks!
2017/11/17 My first kotatsu
2017/11/10 We rearanged the living room
2017/11/06 Pokemon GO Event in Tottori
2017/11/06 Oden, O-done. Joe Cooks pt 3
2017/10/30 Bullet Journaling
2017/10/27 Drawing again
2017/10/23 extreme sports
2017/10/21 Ochazuke!
2017/10/20 Ferrets
2017/10/13 Computer parts
2017/10/06 Japanese studies
2017/09/29 The Temprature
2017/10/03 Family Time!
2017/09/27 Gustav Klimt
2017/09/19 Pick Up Where You Left Off
2017/09/12 Places to go!
2017/09/05 Pets
2017/09/22 Dolphins!!
2017/09/16 Cassini's Final Mission
2017/09/15 Beach update
2017/09/08 The beach
2017/09/01 Driving in Japan
2017/08/30 Summer Storms
2017/08/22 Reading List
2017/08/15 Obon Days
2017/08/09 Summer Tour
2017/08/01 My Husband Can Cook
2017/08/28 A New Semester: Reflections
2017/08/25 New furnature
2017/08/19 My New ...... Backpack?!
2017/08/18 Learning while in Japan
2017/08/14 Typhoon Noru
2017/08/12 Typhoons again...
2017/08/11 Hot Springs
2017/08/07 My First Few Weeks in Japan (Again)
2017/08/04 My First Impression
2017/07/25 Cookies!!
2017/07/18 Zenigata Festival
2017/07/11 Lucky Us!
2017/07/04 New Yukata
2017/07/29 Alligators Beware!
2017/07/25 Skate Park
2017/07/18 My Old Neighborhood
2017/07/11 Good Morning!
2017/07/01 Festival Season is almost here!
2017/07/04 GEM Generosity
2017/06/20 Big Bones, Little Bones
2017/06/27 My South African Friend Came to Visit
2017/06/30 A Teachers Fridge
2017/05/29 Functioning Technology
2017/05/22 Tug-Of-War
2017/05/15 A Spoon Full of Art
2017/05/08 Mountain Top Picnic
2017/05/01 Naoshima
2017/06/17 And I'm Back!
2017/06/10 Where in the World is Taylor?
2017/06/03 Dad in Japan, Part 5!
2017/05/27 Dad in Japan part 4!
2017/06/13 Good Read
2017/06/06 Recent Art Made for Leigh Sensei
2017/05/30 BUJO Bandwagon
2017/05/23 Greek Food
2017/05/16 My Dear Friend Came to Visit!
2017/05/09 Golden Week Relax Time
2017/05/13 Dad Takes Japan Part 2!
2017/05/06 Dad takes Japan! Pt 1
2017/04/22 Almost on his way!
2017/04/24 Hopes For Creativity
2017/04/17 Cycling Century
2017/04/15 DIY time!
2017/05/02 Remember Me?
2017/04/25 Snail Mail
2017/04/18 Nice Job, Honey
2017/04/11 Try it, You'll like it.
2017/04/10 It's Spring!
2017/04/03 Cherry Blossom Bliss
2017/03/28 My Favorite Painting
2017/03/21 Colors are Strange!
2017/03/14 My New Favorite Fruit
2017/03/27 More Tofu, Please!
2017/03/20 Bananas About Banana Bread
2017/03/13 Cycling in Kagawa vs. Cycling in Florida
2017/03/06 Feline Friend
2017/03/07 A Teachers Art
2017/02/25 Tea Time!
2017/02/18 Springtime!
2017/02/11 What a crazy winter!
2017/01/07 My time in Sapporo!
2016/12/27 Happy Holidays!
2016/12/20 She said YES
2016/12/13 Dali Exhibit In Takamatsu
2016/12/06 DIY Herb Salt
2016/11/29 Animal Leaf Art
2016/11/22 Kankakei Gorge in Fall
2016/11/08 Tokyo
2016/11/17 Utazu Seaside Park
2016/11/12 Staying warm in cold weather.
2016/11/04 A new look at Saturn
2016/11/02 Halloween Party!
2016/10/25 I saw an iceberg!
2016/10/18 I ate it!!
2016/10/11 Missing Summer?!?
2016/10/06 My newest obsession!
2016/09/17 To the Beach! Tokushima Edition
2016/09/27 Salmon Run
2016/09/20 Getting Back in Shape!
2016/09/06 Long Time No See
2016/09/13 Up, Up, and Away
2016/08/30 Chill Weekends at Home
2016/08/23 Greetings from Everywhere!
2016/08/16 Can You Find...
2016/07/12 Summer Thunderstorms
2016/07/26 Surprise Trip to America
2016/07/23 Go go go!!
2016/07/16 Zenigata Festival!
2016/05/28 Daiso!!!
2016/05/17 Home Stay Flowers
2016/05/10 My Summer Garden
2016/05/03 Golden Week 2016
2016/04/28 Golden Week! $?
2016/04/30 Green, green everywhere!
2016/04/19 Signal Hill
2016/04/14 Vacation!
2016/04/26 Dear Zoo
2016/04/01 Yummy Teddy Bears!
2016/03/31 Throwback to a Fun Winter Day
2016/04/19 Dreaming of Summer Days
2016/03/25 This is so cool!
2016/03/22 Historical Hair!!
2016/03/15 Great Place to Work
2016/03/04 Time-lapse of the Milky Way
2016/03/08 My Latest Obsession
2016/02/19 Aurora Village
2016/02/18 Sleepless in Japan
2016/02/23 Free Time Creativity
2015/02/16 No Surf...Let's Skateboard!
2016/02/12 Cherry Blossoms in February!
2016/02/05 Nathan Philip Square
2016/03/01 Making Learning Fun
2016/02/23 My Dad is Cool
2016/02/16 My Mom is Cool!
2016/02/09 My Favorite Movie
2016/01/02 My Favorite Books
2016/01/16 My Time in Tokyo
2016/02/02 Mexican Food Fanatic
2016/01/08 Foreigner Art Exhibit in Takamatsu
2016/01/26 American Breakfast
2016/01/19 I love My Grandma
2016/01/07 My Brother Came to Visit!
2015/12/25 Moving!
2015/12/15 Christmas Traditions: Mummers
2015/11/17 Fun With Cooking
2015/11/10 My First Kimono!
2015/11/02 I Love Crane Games!
2015/10/31 Europa
2015/10/27 Fun with Hair!
2015/10/23 Lisbon Aquarium
2015/10/21 What kind of music do you like?
2015/11/10 Fall is My Favorite Color
2015/11/03 A New Home
2015/10/27 1st Year Wedding Anniversary
2015/10/24 New GEM School Location Ceremony
2015/10/22 Imotaki!
2015/10/16 I'm back from my vacation
2015/10/06 The Continued Adventures of Rose's Parents
2015/10/03 Smartphones!
2015/10/02 Familiar Faces in Shodoshima!
2015/09/25 Futsal game last week
2015/09/22 THEY'RE HERE!!
2015/09/18 Futsal
2015/09/11 My dream car!
2015/09/11 My Birthday Weekend
2015/10/20 Octopus Spaghetti!
2015/10/13 Fork Butterflies
2015/10/06 4 Seasons
2015/09/29 Life Cycle of Butterflies
2015/09/22 Seaside
2015/09/15 Fruit Cars
2015/09/05 Obon Adventures! Part 3!
2015/09/02 Ryugadou Caves in Kochi
2015/08/31 Hubble successor!
2015/08/30 Totoro bread!
2015/08/27 Bacon flavored chocolate?!
2015/09/08 Ink Printing
2015/08/26 I Miss My Collections
2015/08/26 Planning Vacations
2015/08/17 Yashima Aquarium
2015/07/31 Thai Roti
2015/07/31 I never turn off my air conditioning!
2015/07/31 All about birds
2015/09/01 Watercolor Murals
2015/08/25 For the Birds
2015/08/21 This is the unusual way I eat bananas
2015/08/18 DIY Brown Bear Brown Bear
2015/08/11 Fire Safety with Kanonji American School
2015/08/07 Teddy Bear Toast
2015/07/29 Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake
2015/07/29 Did you see it?
2015/08/02 Kochi!
2015/08/15 Fork Fugu Fish!
2015/07/28 Cute Crafting with Kanonji Home Stay Club
2015/08/04 Fingerpainting with Kanonji Home Stay Club
2015/07/21 Girl Time!
2015/07/14 We Love Geography: Egypt
2015/07/07 We Love Geography: Mexico
2015/07/05 Happy Birthday America!
2015/06/30 Fun in the Sun
2015/06/29 Martial arts in Japan and the west.
2015/06/29 What's your favorite food?
2015/06/29 Ah memories
2015/06/29 We are nearing Pluto!
2015/06/29 Bacon and eggs
2015/06/27 Have you seen a hockey game?
2015/06/23 Picking up forgotten hobbies.
2015/07/03 What is your favorite dessert?
2015/06/07 Kickin it in Kagawa
2015/06/18 Kitchen to Garden to Kitchen
2015/06/16 We Love Geography: France
2015/06/12 Around the World with ABC's
2015/06/06 Anatomy for Kids
2015/06/03 Because I'm Happy!
2015/05/30 Cool shirt bro!
2015/05/29 Rose Galaxy
2015/05/27 Kendo
2015/05/26 Do you know where this is?
2015/05/23 Okayama
2015/05/19 My parents are coming to Japan!
2015/06/23 My Favorite American TV Sitcom
2015/06/09 Dinosaurs and Other Really Old Things
2015/05/23 5 Senses Lesson
2015/05/06 Osaka Trip!
2015/06/02 Grilling and Chilling
2015/05/12 Solar System Silliness
2015/04/29 Beaver tails!
2015/04/28 I want to craft!
2015/04/27 Enjoying strawberry season
2015/04/27 Cheese
2015/04/26 New Horizons
2015/10/20 What Can You Do?
2015/04/28 Seeing Stars
2015/03/30 Northern Lights
2015/03/30 This is so cool!
2015/03/28 Husky!
2015/03/28 Interstellar
2015/03/24 Yume town!
2015/03/21 Busy again!
2015/03/17 Bug Day!
2015/03/20 Rain, Rain go away.
2015/03/12 Visiting a Japanese Hospital
2015/03/15 Birthday Food
2015/03/11 Snowboarding on Mount Daisen
2015/02/21 Be Healthy. Be Happy.
2015/03/03 Where am I from?
2015/03/19 Ancient Greece For Kids
2015/03/14 Classroom Cuties and Cars
2015/03/01 Let Me Take a Selfie
2015/02/28 Spring is coming!
2015/02/27 Teaching is rewarding
2015/06/21 Happy Father's Day
2015/05/10 Happy Mother's Day!
2015/02/26 Kanonji Baby Club Graduates of 2015
2015/02/28 Shikokuchuo Number Fun
2015/03/10 Owl You Need Are Owl Puzzles!
2015/02/24 Baby Club...There's Definitely a Favorite Song
2015/02/21 What's your next destination?
2015/02/20 Favorite Animal
2015/03/06 Happy Holi 2015
2015/02/27 Home Away From Home
2015/03/17 Happy Saint Patrick's Day
2015/12/01 Let's Talk...Days of the Week
2015/02/19 Free Time Fun
2015/02/16 American Style Valentines for Children
2015/11/17 Are You Protected?
2015/02/21 Under the Sea
2015/02/14 Happy Valentine's Day!
2015/02/10 Fall in Love
2015/06/30 Nature Girl
2015/11/24 Sand Boarding
2015/12/08 The Windy City - Chicago
2015/01/30 Basketball
2015/01/27 Things in common
2015/01/26 Coffee
2015/01/20 Exploring Saijo
2015/01/09 The closest galaxy to us.
2015/01/06 1月6日の記事
2014/12/31 Spicy food!
2014/12/30 Finding new things at the end of the year.
2014/12/30 Naruto
2014/12/29 Chocolate!
2014/12/20 Saying Goodbye...for Now
2014/12/13 Chocolate Biscuits
2014/12/06 Mapo Tofu
2014/12/03 Three weeks
2014/11/10 Fall in Japan
2014/12/01 Movies
2014/12/01 The Future!
2014/12/01 Fox in Socks
2014/11/26 Inspiration!
2014/11/22 That's Lovely
2014/11/24 Viral videos, the internet, and cars.
2014/11/05 Fun at Halloween
2014/10/13 Brothers and sisters
2014/10/26 Halloween in America Vs. Halloween in Japan
2014/10/11 There Were Cats
2014/10/13 Fun at Airport Park
2014/10/06 Japanese Artwork
2014/10/01 Sim City
2014/09/02 Weather change
2014/09/29 Finding Japanese Artwork
2014/09/28 Churrasqueira
2014/09/27 Poutine!
2014/09/22 Re-reading old books.
2014/09/08 Joining a Gym
2014/09/06 I'm on a Boat
2014/09/01 Biking in Japan
2014/08/29 The Beach
2014/08/27 Evangelion
2014/08/18 A typhoon, Obon, and summer tour
2014/08/11 Weather Alerts
2014/08/04 Apartments
2014/06/25 The World is Watching
2014/06/18 World Cup Soccer
2014/06/04 Animal Companionship
2014/01/27 monitor lizard
2014/01/08 The Holidays are Done
2013/12/25 Christmas Day
2014/01/06 Music
2013/12/05 Winter is Coming to Gem School
2013/12/02 Japanese food
2013/11/17 Kanazawa
2013/11/15 Photobooths
2013/10/09 Family Photos
2013/09/19 Jazz Music
2013/09/13 5 Senses
2013/09/06 Surf Competition
2013/08/30 Awaodori is the Best
2013/08/30 Colors of Shikoku
2013/08/23 My Japanese Family is Growing!
2013/07/26 Biomes!
2013/07/19 Umihiko's Playground
2013/07/12 My Favorite of the 88 Temples
2013/07/05 Muneages are the Best Japanese Tradition
2013/06/28 Rain, Coffee, and Zen Buddhist Monks
2013/06/21 Q-Q-Q-Quichiaaa
2012/11/01 what`s so darn funny?!?! lol
2012/10/08 Senior citizens
2024/04/18 Cozy Quilt
2024/04/04 Fun times in Kobe
2024/02/13 Next and Only Red Moon
2024/01/30 Lunar Occultation of Antares
2024/01/23 Have you ever seen a total solar eclipse?
2024/01/16 Gamma-Ursae Minorids Meteor Shower
2024/01/09 Spotting Saturn and Jupiter
2023/01/02 Kat's Stupid Storytime 2
2023/12/26 Kat's Stupid Storytime
2023/12/19 St. Nicholas Day
2023/12/12 Geminid Meteor Shower
2023/11/28 More Cassiopeids and Mercury at Opposition
2023/11/21 Cassiopeid meteor shower
2023/11/20 First Time in Japan
2023/11/14 Shooting Stars, Unicorns, and Other Glittery Things
2023/11/07 Taurid Meteor Shower
2023/10/31 Jupiter is big
2023/10/24 Blood Moon
2023/10/10 October: a bad month for stargazing
2023/10/03 Draconid Meteor shower
2023/09/26 planet viewing
2023/09/19 equinox and planets
2023/09/13 Comet Nisimura
2023/09/05 What's an ε-Perseid ?
2023/08/29 Once in a Blue Moon
2023/08/15 Typhoon
2023/08/08 Light Pollution
2023/08/01 More Moon Things
2023/07/25 SkEye Stargazing App
2023/07/18 Delta Aquariid
2023/07/04 Sun Tracking App
2023/06/20 Venus Moon Conjunction
2023/06/20 Venus Moon Conjunction
2023/05/30 Asteroid Watch
2023/05/23 Venus and Mars
2023/05/16 SpaceX
2023/05/09 Fog
2023/05/02 May 6 lunar eclipse
2023/04/18 Why Are Sunrises Boring?
2023/03/28 Total Solar Eclipse
2023/03/28 Total Solar Eclipse
2023/01/27 Christmas Celebrations!
2023/01/20 Christmas Going Away!
2023/01/13 Birthday Present from Friend
2022/12/30 Thanksgiving
2022/12/23 Hiroshima/Miyajima
2022/12/16 Home Cooking
2022/12/09 Wish I Was a Kid Again
2022/12/02 French Toast (:
2022/11/25 Insane Robot???
2022/11/18 A New Member of My Family
2022/11/11 Halloween Donuts!
2022/11/04 Saijo and Niihama Festivals!!!
2022/10/07 Kochi Character Festival
2022/09/30 Mizuga
2022/09/09 Arriving in Japan
2022/07/08 Outside The Utazu Aquarium
2022/06/27 Its pizza time, again
2022/05/16 It's pizza time
2022/05/09 Friends
2022/05/02 Hot Hot earth
2021/05/24 ZOC's new album and tour
2021/03/29 Cannibal special
2021/03/22 What does the fish say?
2021/03/15 Bananas
2021/03/08 Lottery. Big chance. Little chocolate
2021/03/01 Rice, tomato, egg, and love
2021/02/22 Goodbye Kokubunji
2021/02/15 Burgerbike
2021/02/08 Coffee is good hot, cold, and jelly
2021/02/01 Bean day
2020/10/05 hot, spicy, soft, and Chinese.
2020/09/28 This tree. isnt. going.anywhere.
2020/09/21 anti-smoking habits
2020/09/14 24 hour television
2020/09/07 Special Bread
2020/08/31 Another Summer treat
2020/08/24 A soup for the summer
2020/07/27 A temple for all the foods we love
2020/07/20 Sssssh. They are sleeping.
2020/07/13 If you hate bugs, you can skip this post
2020/07/06 I found more tengu (2)
2020/06/29 Tengu Temple
2020/06/08 Coffee and isolation
2020/06/01 Mex
2020/06/15 Look don't Eat
2020/05/18 Exploring my city
2020/05/25 big mountain part 2
2020/05/18 Big Mountain, part 1
2020/05/11 Neighborhood road trip
2020/05/04 Spikey Boi
2020/04/27 Takoyaki party of 1
2020/04/20 Skelleingtons
2020/04/13 Big boys pushing and pulling.
2020/04/06 Old Cars
2020/03/30 This is awful. Who do I ask about this?
2020/03/23 Children Shame
2020/03/16 Toilet Paper
2020/03/10 Ehime Drive
2020/03/09 Dinos and Ice cream.
2020/03/02 Tools of (Dust) warfare.
2020/02/24 Gyoza Party
2020/02/17 OHH man. So sweet and juicy
2020/02/10 Coffe and Coke. Trust me!
2020/02/03 Buttered finger. American spoils
2020/01/30 Kobe.
2020/01/27 Mochi is in America
2020/01/20 Burger boi and sunset
2019/12/19 No Resolutions 2020
2020/01/13 Rice vending machine, what's that?
2020/01/06 Local Ramen shop, best Ramen shop
2019/12/30 New Pot for Me :D
2019/12/23 Mele kalikimaka
2019/12/16 I put Autumn in a bottle
2019/12/02 Japanese soup, and new One Piece
2019/11/11 Ghosts from the Past (The Yokai Museum)
2019/11/04 Boy scouts in America
2019/10/28 The language of the dead
2019/10/21 Bone Check! Am I a skeleton?
2019/10/14 Lion Dance
2019/10/07 I saw a great flower
2019/09/30 Flowers for a friend, not a sad occasion
2019/09/23 Eggs and soup
2019/09/16 Goya boya
2019/09/17 Kochi Castle
2019/09/10 Okayama
2019/09/09 Goats in the Greenhouse, meh meh meh
2019/09/02 Manholes far and close.
2019/08/26 Stormy weather
2019/08/19 Dinner and a movie
2019/07/08 ゴ get ヤ some Okinawan food.
2019/06/03 Rad River Round-up
2019/06/17 Soup on your tie
2019/05/27 Thick, Dark, and delicious soup from way out east.
2019/05/20 A magic, unlike others
2019/05/13 Rules of Engagement.
2019/04/15 New York style Pizza. Yummy in my tum tum.
2019/04/08 Lion-dogs, but not from Okinawa. こま犬
2019/04/01 Coin Lockers, money back every time.
2019/03/04 Cow of a different name
2019/02/25 One MORE Piece
2019/02/18 It came from Jupiter
2019/02/11 Strawberry Ice
2018/08/13 Water salt and sugar
2018/08/06 Change up on my diet
2018/07/16 I passed :D Driving test success.
2018/07/02 I stumbled into a weird part of YT
2018/06/25 Recommendation?
2018/06/18 New drugstore putting me at ease
2018/06/11 Soak it in
2018/06/04 Clear broth; sweet or sour rain.
2018/05/28 Special coffee cans
2018/05/11 Golden Week in Tokyo
2018/05/07 Vacation theme track
2018/04/13 Goodbye
2018/04/09 Farewell
2018/04/03 Sakura Genesis
2018/04/02 Hanahanahana
2018/04/02 Cherry blossoms
2018/03/26 My Birthday in Hiroshima
2018/03/24 Cherry Blossoms!
2018/03/26 Love the sign
2018/03/19 I Saw A Wild Weasel!!!
2018/03/17 Exams.....
2018/03/12 Packing Up Winter
2018/03/08 First time out in Japan
2018/02/27 Portraits
2018/02/26 I ate it all \o/
2018/02/19 Success! Bookshelf created
2018/02/20 Valentines Day
2018/02/12 Last night, I began making furniture.
2018/02/09 My nose
2018/02/05 Groundhog Day
2018/02/03 Illumination
2018/02/05 I didn't hear about this, Noah.
2018/01/29 Sometimes food is painful
2018/01/22 I love the crafts in the store, guys
2018/01/15 Cuteness overload
2018/01/08 Getting back into biking
2018/01/12 World of Warcraft
2018/01/08 Ochazuke
2018/01/06 Cat's are cute!
2018/01/05 Worlds largest aquarium!!
2018/01/01 Happy new bread :D
2017/12/22 CHOCOLATE!!!
2017/12/18 New Winter Bedding
2017/12/15 My 2017
2017/12/11 Cheese
2017/12/09 Sleepy toddlers!
2017/12/09 I Hate Coffee
2017/12/01 The Flash
2017/11/24 Skyrm VR!!
2017/12/26 American English TV
2017/12/19 Christmas is almost here!
2017/12/12 Yakiniku Partaaaay
2017/12/05 Nikkei Cooking
2017/11/28 Presents from Abroad!
2017/11/18 Cold nights and hot drinks!
2017/11/17 My first kotatsu
2017/11/10 We rearanged the living room
2017/11/06 Pokemon GO Event in Tottori
2017/11/06 Oden, O-done. Joe Cooks pt 3
2017/10/30 Bullet Journaling
2017/10/27 Drawing again
2017/10/23 extreme sports
2017/10/21 Ochazuke!
2017/10/20 Ferrets
2017/10/13 Computer parts
2017/10/06 Japanese studies
2017/09/29 The Temprature
2017/10/03 Family Time!
2017/09/27 Gustav Klimt
2017/09/19 Pick Up Where You Left Off
2017/09/12 Places to go!
2017/09/05 Pets
2017/09/22 Dolphins!!
2017/09/16 Cassini's Final Mission
2017/09/15 Beach update
2017/09/08 The beach
2017/09/01 Driving in Japan
2017/08/30 Summer Storms
2017/08/22 Reading List
2017/08/15 Obon Days
2017/08/09 Summer Tour
2017/08/01 My Husband Can Cook
2017/08/28 A New Semester: Reflections
2017/08/25 New furnature
2017/08/19 My New ...... Backpack?!
2017/08/18 Learning while in Japan
2017/08/14 Typhoon Noru
2017/08/12 Typhoons again...
2017/08/11 Hot Springs
2017/08/07 My First Few Weeks in Japan (Again)
2017/08/04 My First Impression
2017/07/25 Cookies!!
2017/07/18 Zenigata Festival
2017/07/11 Lucky Us!
2017/07/04 New Yukata
2017/07/29 Alligators Beware!
2017/07/25 Skate Park
2017/07/18 My Old Neighborhood
2017/07/11 Good Morning!
2017/07/01 Festival Season is almost here!
2017/07/04 GEM Generosity
2017/06/20 Big Bones, Little Bones
2017/06/27 My South African Friend Came to Visit
2017/06/30 A Teachers Fridge
2017/05/29 Functioning Technology
2017/05/22 Tug-Of-War
2017/05/15 A Spoon Full of Art
2017/05/08 Mountain Top Picnic
2017/05/01 Naoshima
2017/06/17 And I'm Back!
2017/06/10 Where in the World is Taylor?
2017/06/03 Dad in Japan, Part 5!
2017/05/27 Dad in Japan part 4!
2017/06/13 Good Read
2017/06/06 Recent Art Made for Leigh Sensei
2017/05/30 BUJO Bandwagon
2017/05/23 Greek Food
2017/05/16 My Dear Friend Came to Visit!
2017/05/09 Golden Week Relax Time
2017/05/13 Dad Takes Japan Part 2!
2017/05/06 Dad takes Japan! Pt 1
2017/04/22 Almost on his way!
2017/04/24 Hopes For Creativity
2017/04/17 Cycling Century
2017/04/15 DIY time!
2017/05/02 Remember Me?
2017/04/25 Snail Mail
2017/04/18 Nice Job, Honey
2017/04/11 Try it, You'll like it.
2017/04/10 It's Spring!
2017/04/03 Cherry Blossom Bliss
2017/03/28 My Favorite Painting
2017/03/21 Colors are Strange!
2017/03/14 My New Favorite Fruit
2017/03/27 More Tofu, Please!
2017/03/20 Bananas About Banana Bread
2017/03/13 Cycling in Kagawa vs. Cycling in Florida
2017/03/06 Feline Friend
2017/03/07 A Teachers Art
2017/02/25 Tea Time!
2017/02/18 Springtime!
2017/02/11 What a crazy winter!
2017/01/07 My time in Sapporo!
2016/12/27 Happy Holidays!
2016/12/20 She said YES
2016/12/13 Dali Exhibit In Takamatsu
2016/12/06 DIY Herb Salt
2016/11/29 Animal Leaf Art
2016/11/22 Kankakei Gorge in Fall
2016/11/08 Tokyo
2016/11/17 Utazu Seaside Park
2016/11/12 Staying warm in cold weather.
2016/11/04 A new look at Saturn
2016/11/02 Halloween Party!
2016/10/25 I saw an iceberg!
2016/10/18 I ate it!!
2016/10/11 Missing Summer?!?
2016/10/06 My newest obsession!
2016/09/17 To the Beach! Tokushima Edition
2016/09/27 Salmon Run
2016/09/20 Getting Back in Shape!
2016/09/06 Long Time No See
2016/09/13 Up, Up, and Away
2016/08/30 Chill Weekends at Home
2016/08/23 Greetings from Everywhere!
2016/08/16 Can You Find...
2016/07/12 Summer Thunderstorms
2016/07/26 Surprise Trip to America
2016/07/23 Go go go!!
2016/07/16 Zenigata Festival!
2016/05/28 Daiso!!!
2016/05/17 Home Stay Flowers
2016/05/10 My Summer Garden
2016/05/03 Golden Week 2016
2016/04/28 Golden Week! $?
2016/04/30 Green, green everywhere!
2016/04/19 Signal Hill
2016/04/14 Vacation!
2016/04/26 Dear Zoo
2016/04/01 Yummy Teddy Bears!
2016/03/31 Throwback to a Fun Winter Day
2016/04/19 Dreaming of Summer Days
2016/03/25 This is so cool!
2016/03/22 Historical Hair!!
2016/03/15 Great Place to Work
2016/03/04 Time-lapse of the Milky Way
2016/03/08 My Latest Obsession
2016/02/19 Aurora Village
2016/02/18 Sleepless in Japan
2016/02/23 Free Time Creativity
2015/02/16 No Surf...Let's Skateboard!
2016/02/12 Cherry Blossoms in February!
2016/02/05 Nathan Philip Square
2016/03/01 Making Learning Fun
2016/02/23 My Dad is Cool
2016/02/16 My Mom is Cool!
2016/02/09 My Favorite Movie
2016/01/02 My Favorite Books
2016/01/16 My Time in Tokyo
2016/02/02 Mexican Food Fanatic
2016/01/08 Foreigner Art Exhibit in Takamatsu
2016/01/26 American Breakfast
2016/01/19 I love My Grandma
2016/01/07 My Brother Came to Visit!
2015/12/25 Moving!
2015/12/15 Christmas Traditions: Mummers
2015/11/17 Fun With Cooking
2015/11/10 My First Kimono!
2015/11/02 I Love Crane Games!
2015/10/31 Europa
2015/10/27 Fun with Hair!
2015/10/23 Lisbon Aquarium
2015/10/21 What kind of music do you like?
2015/11/10 Fall is My Favorite Color
2015/11/03 A New Home
2015/10/27 1st Year Wedding Anniversary
2015/10/24 New GEM School Location Ceremony
2015/10/22 Imotaki!
2015/10/16 I'm back from my vacation
2015/10/06 The Continued Adventures of Rose's Parents
2015/10/03 Smartphones!
2015/10/02 Familiar Faces in Shodoshima!
2015/09/25 Futsal game last week
2015/09/22 THEY'RE HERE!!
2015/09/18 Futsal
2015/09/11 My dream car!
2015/09/11 My Birthday Weekend
2015/10/20 Octopus Spaghetti!
2015/10/13 Fork Butterflies
2015/10/06 4 Seasons
2015/09/29 Life Cycle of Butterflies
2015/09/22 Seaside
2015/09/15 Fruit Cars
2015/09/05 Obon Adventures! Part 3!
2015/09/02 Ryugadou Caves in Kochi
2015/08/31 Hubble successor!
2015/08/30 Totoro bread!
2015/08/27 Bacon flavored chocolate?!
2015/09/08 Ink Printing
2015/08/26 I Miss My Collections
2015/08/26 Planning Vacations
2015/08/17 Yashima Aquarium
2015/07/31 Thai Roti
2015/07/31 I never turn off my air conditioning!
2015/07/31 All about birds
2015/09/01 Watercolor Murals
2015/08/25 For the Birds
2015/08/21 This is the unusual way I eat bananas
2015/08/18 DIY Brown Bear Brown Bear
2015/08/11 Fire Safety with Kanonji American School
2015/08/07 Teddy Bear Toast
2015/07/29 Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake
2015/07/29 Did you see it?
2015/08/02 Kochi!
2015/08/15 Fork Fugu Fish!
2015/07/28 Cute Crafting with Kanonji Home Stay Club
2015/08/04 Fingerpainting with Kanonji Home Stay Club
2015/07/21 Girl Time!
2015/07/14 We Love Geography: Egypt
2015/07/07 We Love Geography: Mexico
2015/07/05 Happy Birthday America!
2015/06/30 Fun in the Sun
2015/06/29 Martial arts in Japan and the west.
2015/06/29 What's your favorite food?
2015/06/29 Ah memories
2015/06/29 We are nearing Pluto!
2015/06/29 Bacon and eggs
2015/06/27 Have you seen a hockey game?
2015/06/23 Picking up forgotten hobbies.
2015/07/03 What is your favorite dessert?
2015/06/07 Kickin it in Kagawa
2015/06/18 Kitchen to Garden to Kitchen
2015/06/16 We Love Geography: France
2015/06/12 Around the World with ABC's
2015/06/06 Anatomy for Kids
2015/06/03 Because I'm Happy!
2015/05/30 Cool shirt bro!
2015/05/29 Rose Galaxy
2015/05/27 Kendo
2015/05/26 Do you know where this is?
2015/05/23 Okayama
2015/05/19 My parents are coming to Japan!
2015/06/23 My Favorite American TV Sitcom
2015/06/09 Dinosaurs and Other Really Old Things
2015/05/23 5 Senses Lesson
2015/05/06 Osaka Trip!
2015/06/02 Grilling and Chilling
2015/05/12 Solar System Silliness
2015/04/29 Beaver tails!
2015/04/28 I want to craft!
2015/04/27 Enjoying strawberry season
2015/04/27 Cheese
2015/04/26 New Horizons
2015/10/20 What Can You Do?
2015/04/28 Seeing Stars
2015/03/30 Northern Lights
2015/03/30 This is so cool!
2015/03/28 Husky!
2015/03/28 Interstellar
2015/03/24 Yume town!
2015/03/21 Busy again!
2015/03/17 Bug Day!
2015/03/20 Rain, Rain go away.
2015/03/12 Visiting a Japanese Hospital
2015/03/15 Birthday Food
2015/03/11 Snowboarding on Mount Daisen
2015/02/21 Be Healthy. Be Happy.
2015/03/03 Where am I from?
2015/03/19 Ancient Greece For Kids
2015/03/14 Classroom Cuties and Cars
2015/03/01 Let Me Take a Selfie
2015/02/28 Spring is coming!
2015/02/27 Teaching is rewarding
2015/06/21 Happy Father's Day
2015/05/10 Happy Mother's Day!
2015/02/26 Kanonji Baby Club Graduates of 2015
2015/02/28 Shikokuchuo Number Fun
2015/03/10 Owl You Need Are Owl Puzzles!
2015/02/24 Baby Club...There's Definitely a Favorite Song
2015/02/21 What's your next destination?
2015/02/20 Favorite Animal
2015/03/06 Happy Holi 2015
2015/02/27 Home Away From Home
2015/03/17 Happy Saint Patrick's Day
2015/12/01 Let's Talk...Days of the Week
2015/02/19 Free Time Fun
2015/02/16 American Style Valentines for Children
2015/11/17 Are You Protected?
2015/02/21 Under the Sea
2015/02/14 Happy Valentine's Day!
2015/02/10 Fall in Love
2015/06/30 Nature Girl
2015/11/24 Sand Boarding
2015/12/08 The Windy City - Chicago
2015/01/30 Basketball
2015/01/27 Things in common
2015/01/26 Coffee
2015/01/20 Exploring Saijo
2015/01/09 The closest galaxy to us.
2015/01/06 1月6日の記事
2014/12/31 Spicy food!
2014/12/30 Finding new things at the end of the year.
2014/12/30 Naruto
2014/12/29 Chocolate!
2014/12/20 Saying Goodbye...for Now
2014/12/13 Chocolate Biscuits
2014/12/06 Mapo Tofu
2014/12/03 Three weeks
2014/11/10 Fall in Japan
2014/12/01 Movies
2014/12/01 The Future!
2014/12/01 Fox in Socks
2014/11/26 Inspiration!
2014/11/22 That's Lovely
2014/11/24 Viral videos, the internet, and cars.
2014/11/05 Fun at Halloween
2014/10/13 Brothers and sisters
2014/10/26 Halloween in America Vs. Halloween in Japan
2014/10/11 There Were Cats
2014/10/13 Fun at Airport Park
2014/10/06 Japanese Artwork
2014/10/01 Sim City
2014/09/02 Weather change
2014/09/29 Finding Japanese Artwork
2014/09/28 Churrasqueira
2014/09/27 Poutine!
2014/09/22 Re-reading old books.
2014/09/08 Joining a Gym
2014/09/06 I'm on a Boat
2014/09/01 Biking in Japan
2014/08/29 The Beach
2014/08/27 Evangelion
2014/08/18 A typhoon, Obon, and summer tour
2014/08/11 Weather Alerts
2014/08/04 Apartments
2014/06/25 The World is Watching
2014/06/18 World Cup Soccer
2014/06/04 Animal Companionship
2014/01/27 monitor lizard
2014/01/08 The Holidays are Done
2013/12/25 Christmas Day
2014/01/06 Music
2013/12/05 Winter is Coming to Gem School
2013/12/02 Japanese food
2013/11/17 Kanazawa
2013/11/15 Photobooths
2013/10/09 Family Photos
2013/09/19 Jazz Music
2013/09/13 5 Senses
2013/09/06 Surf Competition
2013/08/30 Awaodori is the Best
2013/08/30 Colors of Shikoku
2013/08/23 My Japanese Family is Growing!
2013/07/26 Biomes!
2013/07/19 Umihiko's Playground
2013/07/12 My Favorite of the 88 Temples
2013/07/05 Muneages are the Best Japanese Tradition
2013/06/28 Rain, Coffee, and Zen Buddhist Monks
2013/06/21 Q-Q-Q-Quichiaaa
2012/11/01 what`s so darn funny?!?! lol
2012/10/08 Senior citizens
Posted by teachers at 2024/04/25