Christmas Traditions: Mummers
Today I want to tell you about a Christmas tradition that is unique to my home province!
People from Newfoundland have strong Irish roots, so we practice the tradition of mummering. Mummering is when you dress up in silly disguises made up from everyday clothing and items and then go door to door visiting your family and friends. Usually you dance, sing songs, and eat good food. Mummering is funny because people have to guess your identity, if they can't they have to give you a drink (if you're an adult of course).
It's very cute when little kids do it, but it can be a bit eerie looking when adults dress up. Mummers costumes are made up of whatever you have around the house, such as pillowcases and blankets. The sillier you look the better!
The tradition of mummering has been less popular recently, but it got a boost when this funny song came out in 1987 and made everyone nostalgic for our unique Christmas tradition.
I have very fond memories of mummering at my grandmothers house at Christmas time, I'll miss hearing this song on the radio this year!
People from Newfoundland have strong Irish roots, so we practice the tradition of mummering. Mummering is when you dress up in silly disguises made up from everyday clothing and items and then go door to door visiting your family and friends. Usually you dance, sing songs, and eat good food. Mummering is funny because people have to guess your identity, if they can't they have to give you a drink (if you're an adult of course).
It's very cute when little kids do it, but it can be a bit eerie looking when adults dress up. Mummers costumes are made up of whatever you have around the house, such as pillowcases and blankets. The sillier you look the better!
The tradition of mummering has been less popular recently, but it got a boost when this funny song came out in 1987 and made everyone nostalgic for our unique Christmas tradition.
I have very fond memories of mummering at my grandmothers house at Christmas time, I'll miss hearing this song on the radio this year!
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