
A magic, unlike others

A magic, unlike others
A magic, unlike others

It's a little slice of California. Out of all the things I miss about back home, after my parents comes Mexican-style cooking. I found some jalepenos and it was great to put them over rice and avocado.

I guess on a side note, I've really gotten excited about Barley. It's called Mochi mugi here and it's really great half/half with normal rice. Some people seem excitable about my switch. Maybe it is healthier, but I think the best part is the texture toss tussle. It's some grit and chew to the normal rice. Things like Ma-bo-dofu are really improved by a texture change from もち麦。

Tell me your food hax when you see me.

Joe o/

同じカテゴリー(Joe先生 )の記事画像
Patriotic cheese
Big bike ride
Staying alive
Saving a rose bush
A new breed of dog
Eggs from a machine, anytime you like!
同じカテゴリー(Joe先生 )の記事
 Patriotic cheese (2022-08-29 08:00)
 Big bike ride (2022-08-22 08:00)
 Staying alive (2022-08-15 08:00)
 Saving a rose bush (2022-08-08 08:00)
 Goodbye for now (August 31st) (2022-08-01 08:00)
 A new breed of dog (2022-07-25 08:00)


A magic, unlike others