
What's your favorite food?

Whats your favorite food?

One of the questions I often get as a foreigner is "Do you like Japanese food?"

My answer is usually "It depends".

I love some Japanese food. I love Sushi, ramen, katsu, curry, and soba. There are a few things that I don't like though. One of them is Udon. This seems to shock a lot of Japanese people, but I have a good reason not to like it!

Last year I spent 2 months in a hospital with a pancreatic infection. The only thing I ate during that time was Udon. Udon and vegetables, udon and fish, udon and fruit. Udon three times a day for almost two months. So I associate Udon with a really bad time in my life!

Is there a foreign food you love? Is there a Japanese food that you hate?

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 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
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 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


What's your favorite food?