
St. Nicholas Day

Most people associate Christmas with Santa Claus, but you may not know that the name "Santa Claus" is a nickname for "Saint Nicholas", whose holiday was originally celebrated today, December 19th. Nicholas was born into a wealthy family in the roman empire in the year 270. There are so many legends about him, almost nothing is known for sure about his real life.
My family celebrates St. Nicholas day by leaving shoes on the fireplace, and in the morning they are stuffed with chocolate coins. This tradition comes from a story that Nicholas knew a poor family who were about to sell their three daughters into slavery because they had no money to feed them. Hearing this, Nicholas dropped gold coins down the chimney in the dead of night, and the family found them in the ashes when they went to get their socks and shoes which had been drying by the fire. This is also the origin story of Christmas stockings, and the reason why we say "Santa comes down the chimney".
Some other stories include that when Nicholas was a child, his wealthy parents gave him a horse. Nicholas sold the horse to buy the freedom of a young boy who had been captured. Nicholas' parents were upset at him, but the boys were friends for life. A third story claims that during a famine, he rescued three children from a butcher who was planning to kill them and sell their bodies disguised as pork.
Do you think any of these stories are true?

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St. Nicholas Day