
So Much Christmas

I am starting to go crazy trying to get ready for Christmas. I luckily have all my presents for my family, but I have to try and find something for my two best friends! Hopefully I'll be able to find something for them before I leave, or they'll just have to wait until I get back in Japan to send them something. In the meantime, I have to hurry up and pack soon, or I'll be scrambling to get ready for my flight! At least I know that I'm going to get to see some amazing decorations when I get home, here is Christmas Tree number Three!! So Much Christmas

Yay Long Weekend!!
Matsuyama Onsen Trip!!
Korea was AMAZING!!!
OneWe Concert!!!
The Beach Was GLORIOUS!!!
Tokyo Trip!
 Music Inspiration (2025-03-11 14:00)
 TRIP PLANNING IS STRESSFUL!!! (2025-03-04 14:00)
 It's Getting Closer.... (2025-02-25 14:00)
 So Tired.... (2025-02-18 14:00)
 Yay Long Weekend!! (2025-02-11 14:00)
 I Need More Language Practice (2025-02-04 14:00)


So Much Christmas