Picking up forgotten hobbies.
This weekend I did my nails for the first time in a long time and it really reminded me of how much I loved doing it in my last year of university. I've always loved doing my nails, but about two years ago it became an almost obsessive hobby of mine. I was going through a difficult time and it was so relaxing and distracting to sit down and paint my nails with detailed designs. Sometimes I'd spend up to 4 hours painting my nails, and I changed the design every three days. After I graduated university and moved away from home I started feeling better and I got much busier so I never really had time to do them and fell out of the habit.
Since I had so much fun doing my nails this weekend I thought I'd share a picture from the a few years ago, I want to start doing my nails like this again soon, but it's so much work!

I hope I have the time and patience to try this again soon!
Since I had so much fun doing my nails this weekend I thought I'd share a picture from the a few years ago, I want to start doing my nails like this again soon, but it's so much work!

I hope I have the time and patience to try this again soon!
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