This week I did something I haven't done in a long time; I wrote exams. Sometimes when I ask students if they have exams they get a bit confused, because exams are a test. Tests are given to evaluate how much a student knows about a specific unit of study. An exam is given to evaluate how much a student knows about the entire class. I had 5 different exams; listening, reading, speaking, vocabulary, and writing. I won't have my results for a little while longer. I'm nervous to see if I passed!

タグ :gem schoolexams
Making plans
As some people may or may not know but the spring season is around the corner and I’m starting to make plans for sakura viewing season and celebrations made around it with my friends.
I have to say it one of my favorite seasons to celebrate with friends!
Do you celebrate this turning of seasons?

I have to say it one of my favorite seasons to celebrate with friends!
Do you celebrate this turning of seasons?