Vegetable Buffet
As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I love vegetables! I don't each meat except for fish occasionally. So, vegetables make up the majority of my diet. I think they are so tasty and I love knowing that they are doing good things for me and my body. I like learning about their nutrient facts and I enjoy combining different vegetables together to make something tasty. A fellow co worker recommended this restaurant in Kyoto named "Hinataya" to me. It was a buffet of tons of vegetables, salads, soup, rice, fish, and everything wonderful. The food was incredibly delicious. I wish they had more places like this.

タグ :vegetablesbuffet
I’m Stubborn
Hi Everyone!
As my first post in March, I can finally say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH TO ME. Yes, I’m one of those “birthday month” instead of “birthday-day” people. As such, I was born an Aries, and everyone knows how stubborn Aries babies are.
Why am I bringing up my stubborness? Because I decided to do the 100-squat-challenge, where I do 100 squat exercises every day for 30 days, and it’s been tearing up my legs to the point where my body is screaming for me to stop—I quite literally can’t walk up or down stairs without dragging myself by the rail. Despite my clearly sore legs, I refuse to quit the challenge because I am stubborn and know I CAN DO IT! For my health! The extra exercise actually has made me feel really good, and I’m looking forward to summer.
Do you like to take on personal challenges? Do you like exercise?
As my first post in March, I can finally say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH TO ME. Yes, I’m one of those “birthday month” instead of “birthday-day” people. As such, I was born an Aries, and everyone knows how stubborn Aries babies are.
Why am I bringing up my stubborness? Because I decided to do the 100-squat-challenge, where I do 100 squat exercises every day for 30 days, and it’s been tearing up my legs to the point where my body is screaming for me to stop—I quite literally can’t walk up or down stairs without dragging myself by the rail. Despite my clearly sore legs, I refuse to quit the challenge because I am stubborn and know I CAN DO IT! For my health! The extra exercise actually has made me feel really good, and I’m looking forward to summer.
Do you like to take on personal challenges? Do you like exercise?
Saw this amazing tree today.

This is my first spring in Japan. I think I'm going to be lucky. I don't think I'm allergic to the pollen here. I've been sick so I can't know for sure.
This peach tree is so pretty. It has a sweet smell. Sakura are quite famous even in America but I've never seen one in person. Excited to see them later this month.