
Cherry blossom trees

I am very exited to see the cherry blossom trees in full bloom in person for the first time. Here in a few weeks I believe the trees will be in full bloom. I have only ever seen photos and videos of these cherry blossom trees and I am looking forward to my chance to see them in person. I think I’m going to look into a method of petrification to potentially preserve one of the petals to take back to America with me. I hope it isn’t too hard to do. I have seen people petrify other types of leaves before in America so I think it should be possible for me to do this here in japan.  

Posted by teachers at 19:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


My first White Day

We don't have anything like White Day in the US. If you want to give some chocolates or gifts, everybody does it on Valentine's Day. When you are in school, there are very simple cards you give out to classmates and friends. You might get a little extra for your friends or, if you are very brave, for your crush.

By the time you reach Junior High the idea of friendship chocolates is almost non-existent. And then into High School, and beyond, it is a tradition reserved for couples. Some people do give gifts to their mothers or grand mothers, but it isn't especially common.

To take full advantage of my first White Day, I decided to repay all the treats I received on Valentine's Day. I hope everyone likes my choices of sweets!  

Posted by teachers at 13:00Comments(0)