Canadian Junk Food!
Yesterday I received a small box of goodies from my mother and grandmother! There is nothing in this box that is healthy in any way, but each and every item reminds me of home. I love Japanese food (and Japanese junk food!) very much, but it is always nice to get a small box of goodies from my childhood every once in a while.
The big blue box is a cracker-type snack that is flaoured like swiss cheese. The smaller blue box is KD (also known as macaroni and cheese!). This is a favorite lunch food by many Canadian children. It definitely brings back many happy memories!. I also recieved some potato chips. These are All-Dressed flavour, which I guess means they are kind of a mixture of all the favorite flavors? I'm not really sure, but they are super delicious. They have a bit of a tang to them ('a tang' is like a a strong flavour. In this case, I'd say it is a vinegar flavor). The middle bag are Hickory sticks. They are a really tiny, skinny potato ship like snack that is flavored with hickory. Hickory is a tree whose wood is used to smoke meat or barbecue meat and to add more flavor. Then there are the Cheezies! I love these crunchy, salty, cheesey snacks. They are my number one favorite snack to ask for from home. I also recieved some chocolates (just in time for White Day).
If you were living abroad, what sort of snack or foods would you ask your family to send to you? What kinds of foods or snacks would you like to share with your new friends abroad?

The big blue box is a cracker-type snack that is flaoured like swiss cheese. The smaller blue box is KD (also known as macaroni and cheese!). This is a favorite lunch food by many Canadian children. It definitely brings back many happy memories!. I also recieved some potato chips. These are All-Dressed flavour, which I guess means they are kind of a mixture of all the favorite flavors? I'm not really sure, but they are super delicious. They have a bit of a tang to them ('a tang' is like a a strong flavour. In this case, I'd say it is a vinegar flavor). The middle bag are Hickory sticks. They are a really tiny, skinny potato ship like snack that is flavored with hickory. Hickory is a tree whose wood is used to smoke meat or barbecue meat and to add more flavor. Then there are the Cheezies! I love these crunchy, salty, cheesey snacks. They are my number one favorite snack to ask for from home. I also recieved some chocolates (just in time for White Day).
If you were living abroad, what sort of snack or foods would you ask your family to send to you? What kinds of foods or snacks would you like to share with your new friends abroad?

Fixing up something good to eat
I haven’t always been the best cook/chef ever in my life and since living on my own in Japan I have come to a realization that I really needed to learn some basic cooking skills.
As of late I have been preparing some carrot, potato, and meat stew to eat up on! It has been a really good time so far!

As of late I have been preparing some carrot, potato, and meat stew to eat up on! It has been a really good time so far!