I had a blast of a time this past Sunday. In the morning I did what I usually do, that is, practice singing with my piano in preparation for my vocal training lesson. So I woke up, did some stretching and breathing exercises, prepared and drank some warm-hot water, then got to it. I sat at my piano for 30 minutes doing various vocal training exercises. Afterwards I would study some Japanese and philosophy, eat, stretch, then return to the piano for another block of 30 minutes of vocal training exercises. Once the appointed time arrived, I packed my bags then headed for the train for my lesson. After my lesson was finished I caught the train down to Shirayama, where I would enter the Tresta iceskating rink to meet a friend. I haven’t skated in at least two years, and this was the first time in Japan. It was toughgoing, and a lot more difficult than I remembered. Nonetheless, I had a good go at it and made some friends there. Some kids there wanted to teach, race, and play Tag with me, so I got quite a workout in that day. I skated for about two hours and after about three falls. Afterwards we went to the wonderful Busshozan onsen. My friends went in with each other while I stayed out in the lobby to read a book and listen to some Japanese training audio. Afterwards we wound up at Gyuusei, a pretty good yakiniku restaurant made even better by being affordable. What felt like 3000¥ worth of food was only 1700¥! Pictured above is a shot of one of my favorite mixed drinks. I didn’t catch the name of it, but if you go to Gyuusei you will see some advertisements for it. It is Beefeater gin and tonic with half a lemon inside along with some black paper grinds inside.