Editing MIDI Controllers
I got another MIDI controller recently and it's been a lot of fun. It's made by Korg. I have another one made by Korg too, but it's much different. Both however allow their default behavior to be edited. This image show the software by Korg to edit my current MIDI controller. I can redefine almost any function of any key, button, or knob. It's great that it's so customizable.
Who Is Mueller?

Robert Mueller has been in the American news a lot the past few days. He is the specially appointed head of the federal investigation regarding the 2016 election. He is investigating how the election was influenced by Russia and the Trump administration. He has been interviewing members of President Trump's staff after they admitted they lied about the 2016 presidential campaign. In addition, more than a dozen Russians have been charged by Mueller for influencing the 2016 election. The investigation is very important because it will show if President Trump worked together with Russia to win his presidency. It is also important to see how the 2016 election was manipulated in order to protect future elections, like this year's Congressional midterm elections.
Therefore, Robert Mueller has a very important job and should be supported by the entire federal government. However, yesterday President Trump began attacking Mueller online despite warnings from his advisors not to do so. After the attacks, President Trump's lawyers then asked the government to stop the federal investigation regarding the 2016 election completely. Due to the online attacks and his lawyers' request, people are scared that President Trump will fire Mueller. Firing Mueller would create a lot of problems for President Trump and his political party, the Republicans. However, if President Trump does fire Mueller, it would mean that a new legal battle would began, further slowing down the federal investigation regarding the 2016 election and risking the midterm election later this year.
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