
Tea Ceremony

I went to a tea ceremony in Takamatsu! It was really peaceful and I had the opportunity to learn a lot about the history if tea and the ceremony. It was my first time doing anything like that and I mane a lot
of mistakes confront of a lot of people. It was more than a little nerve-wracking to have so many people watching and taking pictures while I fumbled my way through the ceremony. But I'm glad that I had the chance to participate and now I was to learn more about the tea ceremony!  

Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Contacts and Glasses

I'd been putting off going to the eye doctor for awhile. I knew that with my limited Japanese that it might be hard, but I can tell that things for my eyes have been different.

I have been wearing contact lenses since I was 10 years old. There are embarrassing photos of me trying to get contacts in for the first time. I have terrible eyesight, so bad that I can't wear cool colored lenses for fun.

The eye hospital took me about 3 hours to do, and in the end, I went away with no answers about my eyesight. It was very frustrating. The chart used for a Japanese eye test uses the letter "C" while in America, we use the letter "E." That was interesting.

I had to return to try on a few more pairs of lenses and it seems like we have a good guess about what strength my lenses should be. I was annoyed to find that I have to go somewhere else completely to get a pair of glasses. In America, the eye clinic can find out both of those things in one visit.   

Posted by teachers at 13:00Comments(0)Katie先生


My son is born!

I have waited a loooooong time for this, but finally I can announce it! My first child, my son, has finally been born! I, and I know many of you, have been waiting in anticipation of this announcement.
He was born last week, on February 27th. He came out at 3385 grams (what a big boy!), and only about 3 days late. I was so worried when he didn’t come out on his due date. However, I learned from my mother that I was born two weeks later than my due date, at 4000 grams, no less! So my son didn’t do so bad, hahaha.
I know the big question that’s coming next: what’s his name? While we are still working out the kanji for his name, in English he will be Leon Thaddeus Alonzo (read りおん・サディアス・アロンゾ). It’s going to be difficult figuring out what to do with his name for all of the paperwork!  

Posted by teachers at 09:00Comments(0)


First time out in Japan

On the weekend of February 17th (Saturday) I went out for my first time in Japan. I felt a bit lazy but decided to take the trip to Takamatsu to meet Sam and Christina at Bar Amazon, which is a foreign bar. I had a good time there and we stayed there for several hours. After leaving, we moved on to a ramen shop that had ramen with no broth. I am unsure of the name of this type of ramen, but while there I attempted a food challenge. Even though I failed because I paid no attention to the ten minute time limit, I still finished the noodles, which were very spicy.

After eating ramen, Christina, Sam and I parted ways. I went to Takamatsu station around 5 am to make my way back to Sakaide. Unfortunately when I caught the train I fell asleep. Upon waking up I realized I had no idea where I was so I asked the conductor if the train went to Sakaide. He immediately said no. Moderately worried by now, I got off the train in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, on Honshu, near Okayama. It was freezing at this time and I was unsure of what to do, so I had to wait an hour for the next train at 6:45. In the end, the night was a great experience! but next time I won't fall asleep on trains  

Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち