
The Temprature

The tempurature here is finally starting to get noticably cooler and I love it! I have always hated super hot and humid tempuratures. So the fact that summer is finally ending is a very wonderful thing. Honestly, I cant wait to see how the winters will be here. Where I am from in The United States winters are super cold and we have a lot of snow. I have been told that is not the case here, Its going to be super mild while being a comfortable tempurature. I am seruiously looking forward to it.  

Posted by teachers at 19:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


The Police: Greatest Hits

I had a car accident a few weeks ago, just outside of Kanonji. Unfortunately, the officers who came to the scene were from Sakaide. That meant I had to take an hour long train ride over there.

When I got there, they had a hand written sign taped up that said 'Police' in English. There were three officers inside, who all rushed to the door when I opened it. They sat me down and used a hand drawn flowchart to show me that nothing was going to happen... nothing.

The best part was the ultra stoic cop, who made copies of all my documents. Because of where I use to live, my passport was issued in Chicago. It was really very far, but it is still printed on the passport. When he brought back my documents he was very excited to talk about Chicago. The Cubs, pizza, pretty much anything.

It was an irritating but amusing experience.  

Posted by teachers at 13:00Comments(0)



Recently I went to a bonsai nursery. A nursery is where people raise, or grow, things like plants, children or animals. Usually the things are young, but not with bonsai. The bonsai in the picture was over a thousand years old. It used to be planted near a shrine, but a few hundred years ago the family that owns it moved it to a pot.   

Posted by teachers at 07:57Comments(0)