Which is mine?
When I went home to visit my mom, we went to a Paint Night! This is an event where you are taught how to paint a specific painting. The instructor sets up all of the paint and tools you need, then teaches you. It was really fun! My mom chose this one. Can you tell which one is mine? I tried really hard to paint some of the mountains I see in Kagawa! Maybe that will help you figure out which one is mine!

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Cassini's Final Mission

Cassini completed its 13 year mission orbiting and studying Saturn and its rings and moons. The image above is an image taken by Cassini of Saturn. The end of Cassini was a fiery one, as it plunged into the atmosphere of Saturn. During its 13 year mission, it was able to send back valuable data on the planet, such as weather patterns, gravitational patterns, etc. This mission was a huge success and has built a pathway for future deep space missions. I look forward to seeing what mission will be planned in the coming months or years.
Thank you for reading!
Working on another book
Not many people know but I've written two book length documents with the first one being a philosophical meditation on the 'big questions" on life and the second document being a semi biographical and fictional telling of my life. I must say that my writing style isn't the most clear and for the most part it is meant to be somewhat abstract, or I should say, it's more cryptic than anything and this is to do more so with the fact that I don't want to express my complete mental states of my mind on paper, I want the reader to assume or guess the rest of the mental states.
In any case, I have started to work on a collection of writings on the nature of reality (metaphysics), language, and the sciences. It isn't what I would call academic philosophy but more of a folk type philosophy that you would get from continental philosophers of the late 19th century and early 20th century.

In any case, I have started to work on a collection of writings on the nature of reality (metaphysics), language, and the sciences. It isn't what I would call academic philosophy but more of a folk type philosophy that you would get from continental philosophers of the late 19th century and early 20th century.