
My Dearest Homestay Club Kiddos

These are some of my Homestay club students. I truly adore each one of them. I have been teaching this class every Saturday for the past 6 months. In that time, I have grown a strong connection with them. I always look forward to Saturday afternoon with my kiddos. They have very distinct personalities and it has been fun and interesting getting to know the quirks of each student. I always have so much fun in this class. We laugh and we learn together. They make me smile when they smile, and it's been so great to see them grow over the months, both in language and as individuals. They all hold a special place in my heart and I hope to continue to grow this bond.


Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


I Went Swimming With Dolphins~!

Hi Everyone!

Have any of you ever heard of a place called Dolphin Farm Shimanami in Ibaraki? If not, you need to check it out RIGHT NOW! Next to a beautiful beach in Hakatacho is a magical place where you can swim with dolphins for a very reasonable price. All you need to do is bring and swimsuit and towels, and you're ready to go; they provide all of the other needed gear for you, such as a wetsuit and more!

I really love planning fun travel-style activities on weekends to get out of the house and live, the kind of things that you remember for a lifetime and say, "hey, I did this...!" I'm always searching for new and unique activities to do to make memories; if there's anything you can take with you anywhere throughout life and afterwards, it's your memories. I try to plan something extra fun and unique about once a month if I can, and while searching for aquariums (one of my favorites places to go) Dolphin Farm Shimanami just happened to pop up. I've swam with dolphins already when I was a young child at Florida's famous Discovery Cove in Orlando, but I've always wanted to do it again as an adult; I finally got my chance!

Jared's birthday was at the beginning of September, and while I had already gotten him a nice gift, I wanted to do something extra, and I really enjoy surprising him with little trips here and there whenever possible. As he's never gotten to experience something like this, it was the perfect opportunity. I managed to keep it a secret for over two weeks after making a reservation through their website; he never managed to guess it either.

After checking in and putting on our suits, we were given a short class session on dolphins before we were off to the sea to swim. The total time lasted an hour, and we loved every minute of it. We got to pet the dolphins and ride them and even snorkel with them! Our dolphin was an adorable girl named Yuzu-chan. We also spent some time with another dolphin named Momo-chan.

Overall, we had a blast and would visit again. We even bought a large dolphin plushie in their little shop and named it Yuzu as a memory of our amazing day. If you get the chance, we highly recommend checking out this place and going for a swim of a lifetime!


Posted by teachers at 12:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Biking is fun

What a cool bike! Friend and teacher Sam is letting me borrow this one while I save up for my own. It's so fast! I use it to go to the store and get to close-by schools. I hope to bike very large distances in the future. Being able to bike from Takamatsu to Kanonji is one of my goals this year. I think I can do it. Wish me luck, please :D  
タグ :GEMbiketravel

Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)Joe先生