Thank you!
Japan has a real sense of community. Every year in the spring, summer, and fall, my wonderful students gift me with presents from their gardens or farm. it would be a little unusual for a student to gift a teacher something like this, mostly because schools in North America are very concerned about allergens.Today one of my baby club students gifted me some super delicious looking grapes! I cannot wait to eat them, yum!

Dream Big!

As a child, we all think of the future as a blank canvas. You imagine yourself doing anything you want to do and being anything you want to be. You dream of the future, the terrifying and exciting, and plan out a path to reach your goals. But as we grow into adults, our dreams simply fade away. Life becomes too busy and stressful to focus on what we once wanted, and instead we put our efforts into pleasing the world. We lost sight of what was once important to us and by the time we remember it, we think that it is too late to try. Well, I am here to tell you that it is in fact not too late. No matter how young or how old you are, no matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation is, it is never too late. Pick up a book, go take a class, reach for the sky, for nothing can hold you down. Never give up on your dreams, even if you don't know how to accomplish them. You should always try! You've got this!!!
Thank you for reading!
Cognitive Science?
I think i've written about this subject before but I as of late have gotten back to reading my books on Cognitive Science and boy have they helped me in terms of my view on the mental and the physical structure of the human brain. I must say this stuff is quite interesting and in all honestly quite enlightening because of the sheer amount of biological structuralism in the brain.
Have you ever read anything in what would be considered the cognitive sciences (philosophy of mind, neuroscience, anthropology, linguistics, and computer science)?

Have you ever read anything in what would be considered the cognitive sciences (philosophy of mind, neuroscience, anthropology, linguistics, and computer science)?