My Time in Tokyo
Some of you already know that for the Christmas break that I went to Tokyo with some of the other GEM School teachers! WE had a wonderful time. We saw many, many things, and I can't wait to tell you about them! The first day we arrived, we just walked around Asuksabashi (we were tired from the travel), and found a nice little restaurant to eat at. The second day I took the train to Harajuku to go see Meiji Shrine. It was amazing! The trees were so tall, and beautiful! Even though there were a lot of people, it didn't feel crowded at all. The shrine itself was so beautiful, and after that I walked through a garden to see Kiyomasa's Well. It was very peaceful! The next few days was a lot of walking and shopping in Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Akihabara! We made many friends in our hostel (thanks to Jason-teacher!) and it was a bit sad to leave them. I really hope that next time I'm in Tokyo I will have as good a time as this!

Do you believe in Fate?
Fate is defined as the development of events outside of a persons control. This means that, if fate existed, we would have no control over our own lives nor would we be able to experience anything outside of that fate. Having the choices and free will that we currently hold provides us with the surprises and adventures that we have in life. If everything were fated we would likely not be able to experience those things, or would we? Could fate be providing the line of events that we "decide" on through what we believe is free will? Could fate be playing a part in all of our lives? Do you believe that we deserve the fate that we are handed if fate is in play? Or do you believe that fate is unfair to many people in the world. What do you think? Do you believe in fate?
Thanks for reading!