New Year, New You!

It is very common in America to set goals for yourself for the new year. One of my goals this year is to try to be more organized. I started by cleaning out my room. I threw out many items that I didn't need or didn't use any more. Then I put back all the things I decided to keep in decorative boxes and labeled them. Next I bought a new schedule for 2016 and wrote in every important date for the year. I made sure to write in time for study and exercise as well.
What would you like to do in 2016? Let me know!
Thank you for reading,
The Flash

I like comics, their cool. I grew up reading a lot of comic books and manga. My personal favorite are comics from DC comics like Batman, Superman, Green Lantern and of course, The flash! I'm not sure how familiar Japanese people are with western comics but The Flash is pretty cool. His superpower is super speed! Now he doesn't just run fast he can use his speed to do many other things.
These days you can find many TV shows about DC comic superheroes like The Flash, Green Arrow and even a TV show based on Batman.
Comics are cool.
- James Barbosa
Fresh and Refreshed after Christmas!
I hope everyone had a great and wonderful holiday season, and got the chance to visit friends and family and ring in the new year! As I mentioned before, I was in Tokyo for the holidays, and got the chance to experience one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world. It was pretty incredible, but I don't know if I would live there! Visiting was a great experience, and I would love to go back again, but spending my days riding subways and trains and walking through city smog is not my idea of a great time! I'm much happier and more comfortable in a smaller city.
One of the highlights of this trip, as it was with the last time I was in Tokyo, was the evening we went to the Robot Restaurant. Like before, it was dinner and a show, but this time, we didn't opt for the dinner, and had a light meal beforehand. As before, it was an amazing show, full of dancing and stage fighting, and it was just such a fun time.
I'm glad to be back teaching, this week has been a lot of fun getting back into the swing of things, and wishing everyone a happy new year!
See you soon!
I hope everyone had a great and wonderful holiday season, and got the chance to visit friends and family and ring in the new year! As I mentioned before, I was in Tokyo for the holidays, and got the chance to experience one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world. It was pretty incredible, but I don't know if I would live there! Visiting was a great experience, and I would love to go back again, but spending my days riding subways and trains and walking through city smog is not my idea of a great time! I'm much happier and more comfortable in a smaller city.
One of the highlights of this trip, as it was with the last time I was in Tokyo, was the evening we went to the Robot Restaurant. Like before, it was dinner and a show, but this time, we didn't opt for the dinner, and had a light meal beforehand. As before, it was an amazing show, full of dancing and stage fighting, and it was just such a fun time.
I'm glad to be back teaching, this week has been a lot of fun getting back into the swing of things, and wishing everyone a happy new year!
See you soon!