
Japanese Winters!

It’s been a strange week here for me, but not because of anything that happened or anything that anyone might have said. It feels strange because it’s winter here! However, winters in Japan are much different than winters where I come from in Canada!

In Manitoba, my home province, the summer temperatures very rarely get about 25 degrees Celsius (That’s 77 degrees Fahrenheit to you American readers!) This is clearly much different than here in Japan in the summer, where it can get up to 30 or 35 degrees Celsius every day! For most Canadians, that’s a temperature that they can only dream about!

However, the biggest difference between the weather in Canada and Japan is during the winter. Right now in Takamatsu, for example, it’s 5 degrees Celsius, which is about as cold as it will get during the winter. But there’s no snow, not very windy, and most importantly, no ice on the roads! In my home town in Canada today, however, it’s -10 degrees, and with the wind blowing, it feels like -15 degrees! That’s a huge difference! There’s also snow on the ground, and lots of ice as well, making walking and driving very tricky. You have to be extra careful when you’re walking or driving on ice, because you can slip and slide all over the place!

As nice as the weather here in Takamatsu is, and as much as don’t miss being cold and wet all the time in Canada, I do miss the idea of Winter having snow on the ground, making everything pretty and white. Once the summer comes, I’ll be OK again, but winter in Canada is a very unique season, and one that I miss a lot sometimes!

Posted by teachers at 19:30Comments(0)過去の先生たち