
Happy New Year!

Hello everyone, and welcome to 2016!! I hope you all have had a wonderful New Year's celebration, like I have! I missed celebrating with my family this year, but I was very lucky to be able to spend it with some of my very good friends from GEM! I am currently on an air plane home from Tokyo where I spent my Christmas holiday, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!   

Posted by teachers at 19:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


A Year of Change

Change... The thought of change scares people on a daily basis around the globe. Change is a terrifying thing. It brings us all out of our comfort zones and exposes us to the different elements of our known world and causes us to think, feel, look at things, and even speak differently. If you look up the word "change" in the dictionary, you will find many definitions; from the coins in your wallet to the decision to use another object instead of the one you are currently using. The "change" that I will be focusing on today is the act of becoming different. This year is a year of big change for me. Much will happen that I am excited for and scared for at the same time, but I know that ultimately it will make me a happier person. Change is a necessary part of our lives, otherwise we lose purpose. To lose one's purpose in life would make me feel obsolete and useless to the development and nurturing of our beautiful planet. I look around the world and see that, not only do I need to change, but the world needs to change. Change is a defining part of a person's life and should not be overlooked. Criticism is important in the changing process and should not be ignored in life, whether that criticism is hurtful or otherwise.

2016... A year of change.

What will you change?

Thank you for reading!


Posted by teachers at 14:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


My Favorite Books

Recently I've been running out of things to read, I didn't bring very many books with me from Canada and I don't have an e-reader. I've been making a list of the books I want to bring back with me when I go home for a visit.
I think the books I miss the most are my Jane Austen novels.
Have you heard of Jane Austen?
She's an author who lived from 1775 –1817 in England. She wrote a lot of romance novels from the perspective of young women. I really enjoy her books, especially her funny and flawed characters. For example, my favorite Jane Austen book is Emma. It's a story about a young girl who is quite full of herself and tries to control the love lives of those around her. She has the best intentions, but is still very self-centered and hopelessly bungles all of her plots. I love her character development, and the wide range of characters you can meet in the book.


The plot of the movie Clueless was even based on Emma! It's very famous in Canada and America.

As If!

I highly recommend reading Jane Austen novels. They're the perfect books when you want to read something warm and lighthearted, and you can always be sure the heroine will get her man in the end! I love reading them in a sunny place with a nice cup of tea, so refreshing!  

Posted by teachers at 11:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち