My cousin!!

My cousin delivered beautiful twin girls yesterday in Germany!!!! I am so excited! As soon as I got the news I was smiling nonstop! She is the first in my generation in the family to have a baby, and she had two! Well done! Their names are Abigail Florence and Annabelle Lillian! Aren't they cute! this makes me their cousin once removed! I am so happy! Twins run, hereditarily, in my family in every other generation but this is the first set of the same gender. Generally the twins in our family are a girl and a boy. I cannot wait to meet them!
Winnipeg's Great Ice City!
Today, I’d like to write a little about a special event that happening now in my home province of Manitoba in Canada. As I’ve written before, it gets pretty cold in Canada during the winter, and one way that people get by in the cold is to express themselves creatively with it!
This expression takes place in lots of different ways. You can make snow angels, or build snow men, or get together with some friends and have a big snowball fight! One of the most beautiful expressions that people can use with their time in the winter is making ice sculptures. I don’t think this part of Japan sees many times that ice forms long enough to do anything with it, but in Canada, ice is an everyday thing during the winter. So much so, that some people take knives, chisels, and even chainsaws to blocks of ice, and create something beautiful from it!
Right now in Winnipeg, until the weather gets warmer and the ice all melts, there is a special exhibition going on called The Great Ice Show. 40 artists have spent weeks sculpting and creating an entire scale model of the city entirely out of ice! There are bridges, statues of both animals and people, and even a restaurant for people to eat and drink at made of ice! This link at the bottom will take you to the news page of the ice city, and shows some photos and video of the place. It’s pretty amazing, and I wish I was back home to go and see it in person!
Today, I’d like to write a little about a special event that happening now in my home province of Manitoba in Canada. As I’ve written before, it gets pretty cold in Canada during the winter, and one way that people get by in the cold is to express themselves creatively with it!
This expression takes place in lots of different ways. You can make snow angels, or build snow men, or get together with some friends and have a big snowball fight! One of the most beautiful expressions that people can use with their time in the winter is making ice sculptures. I don’t think this part of Japan sees many times that ice forms long enough to do anything with it, but in Canada, ice is an everyday thing during the winter. So much so, that some people take knives, chisels, and even chainsaws to blocks of ice, and create something beautiful from it!
Right now in Winnipeg, until the weather gets warmer and the ice all melts, there is a special exhibition going on called The Great Ice Show. 40 artists have spent weeks sculpting and creating an entire scale model of the city entirely out of ice! There are bridges, statues of both animals and people, and even a restaurant for people to eat and drink at made of ice! This link at the bottom will take you to the news page of the ice city, and shows some photos and video of the place. It’s pretty amazing, and I wish I was back home to go and see it in person!