


I hope every one is doing well. Today I was asked what kind of girl am I? That question was a good one for I am a very complex girl. I can tell you what kind of girl i am not. That is an easier answer to give. I am not the girl who walks around in pink, the kind of girl who is scared to break a nail or get dirty. I am not the kind of girl who acts like a princess and flirts with every guy she meets. No I am a hard working girl who is not scared to explore the world and do things on my own. I am the kind of girl who is good , loyal, honest and yet i walk my own path to the rhyme of my own drums. I see beauty in most places where others do not. I am just me and happy for it.


Posted by teachers at 22:31Comments(0)過去の先生たち



So last evening we had a pretty good storm, we even had a few claps of thunder and some lightning. This is very different from the weather in Texas. When it rains in Texas there is always near constant lightning and roaring thunder! It's a beautiful thing to watch! However while they are beautiful to see and hear those storms normally come with pretty intense tornadoes or winds, so as the trade off from Texas to here its not bad at all! So the picture in this blog is Dallas, my home city, and it is a time lapse photo. Time lapse photos are not fake they are simply pictures taken over a long period of time. This picture was taken over the length of a thunderstorm in Dallas and shows all of the lightning strikes that occurred in that area of the storm. So Pretty!  

Posted by teachers at 20:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち



So I went to see The Amazing Spiderman 2 movie. I have said before that movies don't come out in Japan on time...They come out soooooo late but this time Japan got Spiderman a week earlier than The United States. I have to say it was awesome. The new actor, Andrew Garfield, pulls off Spiderman's sarcastic attitude so well. There was even a part that made me cry (I get emotional sometimes ガーン ). But I give it two thumbs up. Check it out.


Posted by teachers at 13:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち