
Golden Vacation

This vacation has been great. I've been traveling with my wife, kaa-chan, and Mao. Mao has been having a lot of fun. At the beginning of our trip Mao even got to hug a dog. It was just a man in a costume but it was still fun to watch. This type of costumed man is not as common as it is in Japan. So, when I see them I love to take pictures.


Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Golden Week

Well, this is my first ever Golden Week and I am acting like a proper tourist! A good friend and I traveled to Osaka Universal and it was amazing! The space ride adventure was my favorite, stunning me with some of the sights on the ride. Today however I am in Tokyo and getting ready to go to Disney! I plan to have a lot of fun! See you guys after the break!


Posted by teachers at 09:23Comments(0)過去の先生たち