

While I have been a fan of animated comics since I was a child (I still remember watching Batman:Mask of the Phantasm as a child), recently I haven't been watching many. This week I watched the animated Hellboy movies. Honestly, I am not a fan of the original movies, but I enjoyed both Sword of Storms and Blood & Iron. If you get a chance to watch them, please do.   

Posted by teachers at 19:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち



Friendship is a beautiful thing. It is as though you have a family that is not directly connected to your blood! I have had a few amazing friends in my life, one of which is this beautiful lady pictured above. We have been best friends for the past 3 years and it has truly been amazing knowing her. I love her with all my heart and that will never change! I truly hope that you have friends in your life that you love as much as I love this woman.

Thanks for reading!!!


Posted by teachers at 10:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち