


I was looking at some of the pictures I took in Kerala, in south India this winter, and came across this one of a traditional dance called Katakali. The picture doesn't do justice to the movements, which though very very stylized, are fascinating to watch. As a matter of fact, there was a kind of introduction to the performance, showing step by step what each of these movements, and facial expressions are all about. Amazingly, as brief as it was, it put you in a position to understand what the dancer was saying through the gestures and movements. It's a kind of language. I was reminded of the many times I've been to the Noh performances, especially in Kyoto, where the highly stylized performance is communicating not just through language and music but through movements as well. It's a shame these things don't seem to have great appeal for young people. The theater in Kyoto is usually only full of senior citizens. I hope people don't ignore these traditions. They're an important part of your culture. They need to be cultivated.   

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