
Paul Bunyan

Did you know that even though the U.S. is not a very old country, we have some of our own folktales? One famous folktale character is Paul Bunyan. Paul is a giant lumberjack. He's not scary, he's a very nice and helpful guy. One winter day he was walking through the woods and found a baby ox freezing in the snow. He took the ox home and nursed him back to health. It grew to be big like Paul, but stayed a blue color. Paul Bunyan and his partner Babe the Blue Ox are a famous pair. There are many statues of them all around the U.S.  

Posted by teachers at 14:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Candy and snacks

Gem school has the gem money for students. They get to buy different kinds of candies and snacks! I enjoy many different kinds of candy. My favorite candy are jelly beans. I like that they come in different flavors, but when I was a child, I really disliked them. Especially the root beer flavor! Yuck! What's your favorite candy? Do you prefer japanese candy or American? I prefer American chocolate!


Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち