Paul Bunyan

Did you know that even though the U.S. is not a very old country, we have some of our own folktales? One famous folktale character is Paul Bunyan. Paul is a giant lumberjack. He's not scary, he's a very nice and helpful guy. One winter day he was walking through the woods and found a baby ox freezing in the snow. He took the ox home and nursed him back to health. It grew to be big like Paul, but stayed a blue color. Paul Bunyan and his partner Babe the Blue Ox are a famous pair. There are many statues of them all around the U.S.
Candy and snacks
Gem school has the gem money for students. They get to buy different kinds of candies and snacks! I enjoy many different kinds of candy. My favorite candy are jelly beans. I like that they come in different flavors, but when I was a child, I really disliked them. Especially the root beer flavor! Yuck! What's your favorite candy? Do you prefer japanese candy or American? I prefer American chocolate!

