I love babies. Babies are always so fun to play with. I especially enjoy the way they think. Their minds are so open and free to ponder normal problems in such different ways than I might normally think. I especially enjoy speaking with babies. Their banter is so amusing to me. It reminds me of how we all struggle and work hard to learn, understand, and use language. This little guy had learned just about enough for the day.

Flowers in Japan
I have never really been big on flowers; to be honest, never really took much notice of them. At least, not back in America. But since coming to Japan, I can't help but notice them.

The flowers are beautiful to look at, for sure. But that's not what grabs my attention. It's the scent from the flowers. I don't know what it is about flowers in Japan, but their scent just floats in the wind, catching my nose long before I set my eyes on them.

It could be that most of the flowers I had encountered back in the states were generally in pots in stores, not growing naturally in bunches here and there. Regardless, Japan has given me a new appreciation for flowers.

The flowers are beautiful to look at, for sure. But that's not what grabs my attention. It's the scent from the flowers. I don't know what it is about flowers in Japan, but their scent just floats in the wind, catching my nose long before I set my eyes on them.

It could be that most of the flowers I had encountered back in the states were generally in pots in stores, not growing naturally in bunches here and there. Regardless, Japan has given me a new appreciation for flowers.
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