
Fight for a Dream

Today I was sent a video about fighting for a dream. It was a very good video. When we are children we are pushed to choose a dream and then another and then if we don't like that one then we choose yet another later on. I never liked that system and I never chose a dream to pursue as a child. I believe that over our lives we find something that we want to fight for because we believe in it. Whether its being a parent or being an astronaut or something as simple as being in love, its a dream we find that we can fight for. Finding a dream is only the first step, the second is deciding you want to fight for it, the third step is the hardest, you actually have to start fighting for it and you have to keep fighting for it until you have won! Never let go of a dream because it feels to far away or too hard to get to. Keep trying to get there and keep fighting and one day you will have it!  

Posted by teachers at 20:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち



Ok so summer is coming up and coming fast. Spring seemed to have no time this year, but Saijo is prepared. We just had a 7-11 open and well this one has a Slurpee machine. What is a Slurpee you might ask? I will tell you. It's the most delicious summer drink around and it's frozen. In America there are many many different flavors from Strawberry to Coca Cola. The 7-11 near us has 2 but I won't complain and it's just in time for the blazing heat of summer.


Posted by teachers at 11:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち