
Kimono Contest

During Golden Week we were invited to judge a kimono contest. I was very honored to be able to help out with the contest. We got to choose one winner for a special prize. It was so difficult to make a decision because all of the contestants looked beautiful and had very unique styles. Here I am awarding the prize and telling the winner why we chose her. We loved her kimono because it was very elegant.  

Posted by teachers at 14:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Tug of War

Last week I was in a Tug of War competition for my Matsuri team. It was an epic time. My team was up against my other friends from Canada and New Zealand. My team put me as the anchor (the last one). The whistle blew and my body tensed up ready to defeat my friends from other countries and win the competition. We won the first round but in the second we were up against another team. It seemed a bit odd that they were older Japanese men and we were the younger and "stronger" group. We lost that match and I learned one very important lesson. Do not underestimate anyone. オドロキ  

Posted by teachers at 11:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち