IOTD: "(an) Achilles heel"

This one almost always is used in a negative context, unless someone is being sarcastic.
a weak point or fault in someone's character, which can be attacked by other people.
The desire for publicity became her Achilles heel.
The enemy had an Achilles heel somewhere, if only he could find it.
The phrase "Achilles' heel" comes from the Greek legend of Achilles, a warrior who was left vulnerable on his heel after his mother dipped him in the River Styx to make him immortal:
Achilles' mother, Thetis, held him by the heel while dipping him in the River Styx to make him immortal. The waters of the Styx made Achilles invulnerable everywhere except on his heel.
During the Trojan War, Achilles was killed by an arrow shot into his heel by Paris, the son of King Priam.
The phrase "Achilles' heel" is a metaphor for a person's vulnerability or fatal weakness. For example, you might say "His Achilles heel is his quick temper
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