IOTD: "(at someone's) beck and call"

"Beck and call" is an idiom that means to be always ready to do what someone asks. It can also imply that someone is being treated like a servant. It can also be used to describe someone who is being expected to do too much.
"I'm not at your beck and call, you know"
"He expects his employees to be at his beck and call day and night"
It's originally a thirteenth-century abbreviation of beckon, and on its own came to mean the sort of nod or gesture you make with your head to bring someone closer to you. And a call is a loud utterance to get someone's attention.
In summary:
"Beck" is an abbreviation of the word "beckon"
"Beck" can also mean a head gesture to bring someone closer.
"Call" is a loud utterance to get someone's attention.
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