
A Trip to Target

A Trip to Target
A Trip to Target

Target is a popular department store in America and one of my favorite places to go shopping. On my most recent trip to Target, I found some extremely interesting things for sale. One was a yard long Snickers chocolate bar- a yard is a unit of measurement equal to 92 centimeters. I don`t know why anyone would need 92 centimeters of Snickers. Another thing I found was a kit for making your own gummy pizza. American stores never fail to surprise me.

タグ :target

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同じカテゴリー(Kayla 先生)の記事
 Tsubaki Matsuri (2025-03-17 18:09)
 Setsubun (2025-03-10 10:00)
 A Trip to Kochi (2025-03-03 10:00)
 Kobe Luminarie (2025-02-24 10:00)
 Glass Workshop (2025-02-17 10:00)
 Nabe Season (2025-02-10 10:00)


A Trip to Target