
A Picture Perfect Spring

A Picture Perfect Spring My boyfriends mother recently bought a new house. This is the first Spring season she is living in the house and it is turning out beautifully. One morning a few weeks ago, she took a photo of her backyard and made mention that it looked like a painting, which it truly did. I decided to do a little editing and send her a paint rendering of her photo. She loved it. This is the end result. Ultimately she wants to have it painted onto canvas so she can hang it in her house. I absolutely love it!!

What is something beautiful that has caught your eye today?

Thanks for reading! Have a beautiful day!


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 The Best Part of Summer = Riding! (2021-07-31 17:00)
 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? (2021-07-24 17:00)
 Family Reunion (2021-07-17 17:00)
 On the Road Again! (2021-07-10 17:00)
 Happy Birthday America! (2021-07-03 17:00)
 Summer Vacation Vibes (2021-06-26 17:00)


A Picture Perfect Spring