The Best Part of Summer = Riding!

Historically, I am one that hates the summer and the heat. I lived in it all of my life in Texas, and I am used to it, but I have always hated it! As an adult, I have grown to appreciate the warmer weather, especially living in Illinois where it can dip to -52 degrees F (-46C). Some of the best parts of summer include barbequing, enjoying time with friends and family, travel, and riding! I'm not talking about bicycles, though that is fun too, I am talking about motorcycles. I love motorcycles and whenever I have the energy and the chance to ride, I want to. I haven't had much time recently because I have a lot going on, but I still enjoy at least riding around the block a couple of times. We call it "wind therapy" and it has become an essential part of my summer existence.
What are some summer activities that you truly enjoy?
Thanks for reading!
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