Golden Week Part 3
One thing that was unfortunate during our trip in South Korea was that a lot of the places that you could go to for "free" using the Discover Seoul pass were intended for children, but the pass didn't tell us. As such we ended up going to a few places that were meant for little children or families.
The first place we went to that was like that was the Alive Museum, which was a trick art museum. We'd been to one before in Kobe which we enjoyed so we thought that this one would be similar, but a lot of the places were really just for children. You even got a stamp book at the beginning that you needed to collect stamps in in order to get a pin at the end.
Another family place we ended up in was the Animation Museum. We thought it would be showing us the history of animation, but instead it was more of a play place where you could do thing that involved animation loosely. We were able to make a short stop motion video, but that was about it.
At any rate, it certainly was an adventure, albeit awkward, to end up in these places where we would never have gone otherwise.
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