
Golden Week Part 1

Golden Week Part 1

Michael and I went on a trip to South Korea in Seoul over Golden Week. We had a really fun time there! When we arrived I was surprised at how little Korean I could speak. It was interesting not being able to read or speak the native language again. Luckily it seems South Koreans actually speak really good English so I was able to get help when I needed it most of the time.

It was quite late when we landed and when we got to the airport, we briefly considered renting wi-fi sim card, but all of the booths were closed except for a very crowded one. We needed to get to our hotel quickly so we gave up on that idea and decided to go it without data. We found a bus that could take us near our hotel and got bus tickets. The first thing that surprised me was that we couldn't pay with cash. I was so used to Japan's cash only system that I assumed that we would be in a similar cash only situation, but we ended up needing to use the credit card.

The other thing that really surprised me on our arrival to the hotel was that there was no separation between the toilet and the shower other than a curtain. Also the door to the bathroom not only didn't lock, but didn't close. I still don't know why that was. I wonder if there was a secret way to close it that we never figured out.

Hoop Earrings
To Aircon or Not
Sewing Machine
Fruits Basket
Golden Week Part 4
Golden Week Part 3
 Hoop Earrings (2019-07-03 11:00)
 To Aircon or Not (2019-06-26 11:00)
 Sewing Machine (2019-06-19 11:00)
 Fruits Basket (2019-06-12 11:00)
 Friendship (2019-06-05 11:00)
 Golden Week Part 4 (2019-05-29 11:00)


Golden Week Part 1