
Guitar Picks

Different kinds of guitar picks.

I've been practicing how to play the guitar. I find myself slowly but surely starting to understand the chords. Just when I was on a roll I somehow misplaced my guitar pick. A guitar pick is a little a flat tool used to pluck or strum a guitar. Without the pick I had to use my bare hands and that kind of hurt. The guitar's strings are quite rough even on my not-so-delicate fingers.

Where could the pick have gone? The apartment is tidy so it couldn't have gone far. I asked my wife (Candice-Sensei) to help me look for it. We searched for hours without any luck. "Maybe it's outside?" my wife said. She quickly ran out of the apartment to search. It wasn't until I looked in my pocket that I found it! You heard right! My guitar pick was in my pocket ALL that time! After that my wife and I quickly went to a reuse shop and bought a whole bag of guitar picks! Safe to say, I'll never be without a guitar pick again!

Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Sakura Starbucks

I was never a huge fan of Starbucks when I was living in America, but since arriving in Japan I have become addicted to the Star bucks in my local Aeon mall. One of the current seasonal drinks that I have most recently fallen in love with is the sakura coffee! A few weeks ago I accidentally ordered a sakura coffee instead of a regular coffee, and now I find that I cannot order anything else except the sakura coffee! I had to try the other sakura items on the starbucks menu which included the sakura frappuccino, sakura doughnut, sakura chiffon cake and sakura yogurt! They were all simply delectable!!


Posted by teachers at 14:21Comments(0)


Driving in Japan

My first week of driving in Japan was an experience. I almost got into a car accident coming from a meeting. I forgot that in Japan, I have to drive the opposite side of the road. Because of the scare, it made me alert and focus on the road more. I rarely paid any attention driving back in the states but moving into a new country where the laws and driving are different, now i pay close attention.   

Posted by teachers at 14:14Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Snow Stuff

With winter near over I've been reflecting a lot on the odd snow games people play in the united states. In my home town I would often see a pickup, or car, pulling a sled down the street. My friends and i used to drift our four-wheeler's and cars in parking lots while they were icy. I used to love working with friends to try and build the biggest snow man possible! I always loved drinking hot Chocolate or some coffee after a long day in the cold.

There where so many fun things to do in the snow. It has been an interesting experience having a winter without snow for the first time in a long time. But it has been a fun first winter in Japan!


Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)Jonathon先生