
Old School Babershop

This was my first customer who walked in and it took about 15 minutes for me to just get into a chair I passed by this old school barber shop that I wanted to stop by and got a haircut in. This ended up being a huge mistake! We have been through hand motions and me showing a picture on my phone what I wanted my hair to look like. He started with my hair ... and I was a bit. It took about 20 minutes to cut my hair then he asked if I wanted my beard trimmed, to which I answered “yes” but in hindsight, I have no idea why yes, when I only wanted a haircut. He took the scissors and started to cut my beard and I noted there was a lot of hair falling down into my apron.He made a dent on the right side of my beard and left a full patch of bearded on the left side of my face. It's not very noticeable unless I tilt my head It comes to my beard because I have been growing my beard our for a year and eight months. I will never go back to that barbershop ever again.  

Posted by teachers at 23:36Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Game Night

I like board games and card games. Back in America I remember being a apart of a lot of Game Nights. Game Nights are days where a group of people get together and play board and card games. Sometimes my friends and I would meet up at a coffee shop or comic book shop to play. Come to think of it, I even remember having Family Game Nights! My younger siblings would pick a board game and I'd teach them how to play it. My younger siblings were always really competitive so it was fun to play a board or card game against them!

I enjoyed playing Monopoly, Munchkin, Apples to Apples, Uno, etc. with loved ones. I especially enjoyed playing Scrabble with friends and family! Scrabble is a game where players score points by placing tiles bearing a single letter on a square board to make words. What made the game tricky is that you had to pick 7 letter tiles at random. I welcomed the challenge of creating various words from a limited set of letters.

Recently I found what appears to be a hiragana version of Scrabble. I immediately purchased it to practice my hiragana. I wonder what other board or card games I can find in Japan! It would be wonderful to teach visiting friends or family how to play well-known Japanese board or card games! I think that would be the Ultimate Game Night!

Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Taco Bell

Back in college we would often have to work late, or even pull all-nighters, to finish projects. It was pretty normal to get hungry during the night and want to go out and grab some food. This made a restaurant called Taco Bell very popular. Taco Bell is a fast food chain inspired by Mexican food. They make their version of tacos, burritos, nachos, and many other great meals. It is open 24/7 and has delicious food. This meant we could grab a full meal for cheap and at any time!

Recently since coming to Japan I've been craving taco bell. There are a few restaurants in Japan but none of theme are near by. Hopefully as I travel the country I will be able to stop and get some Taco bell.

(Photo Not mine)   

Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)Jonathon先生