

Our babies are all "grown up" and have started their "Starter Classes" this week!! It has been so exciting to watch their transition. It is amazing how they have "grown up" in just one week! Instead of running into the classroom with mom, they are standing in line at the door with their book bag on their shoulders! AND they "ask", "May I com in?". Of course!!! They walk all "grown up" to their chair, put their bag over the back of the chair and sit down. They have a proud look on their faces! They are sitting at a desk just like "grown up" kids do!! Class begins and it's like they are in baby class but sitting in a chair, at a desk and all by themselves! Independent! They know everything I put before them because it is a review of what they learned in their baby classes. When class is done, they push in their chair and line up at the door and ask "May I go?" The look of pride on their faces is a look they truly deserve. Keep it up Starters!! Let's Go!!  

Posted by teachers at 20:00Comments(0)Chris先生


Girl's day

This weekend I got to see the girl's day festival in Utazu. It was so much fun getting to see all of the dolls on display! I loved seeing all of the homes and individual ways of displaying dolls. Some had Mickey Mouse dolls, some had statues made from 5 yen coins, and others were clearly handed down through the generations.

There were also little food stands and things for sale in front of some peoples houses. It gave the whole festival a very laid back and communal tone. I really enjoyed being there!  

Posted by teachers at 11:00Comments(0)Cami先生


Dog Cafe

While we were visiting Miyajima we stumbled upon some animal cafes. There were the usual ones you see, a cat cafe with cats from the region (which sadly was closed the day we went) and an owl cafe. But there was one that I thought I wouldn't find. There was a dog cafe.

The dogs inside were so adorable. But you could also tell that the dogs were really stressed out with the number of people coming and going. One of the dogs was just circling around an empty table because it didn't know where to go. People kept trying to pet the ones that were trying to sleep and you could tell the dogs weren't enjoying it a whole lot.

There was one dog however that ended up sitting right next to us and relaxing near me. We petted him gently and he ended up closing his eyes and falling asleep. It was so soft too.

But then it woke up when some new people came in while a very young baby. And it was so funny. The dogs acted like they had never seen a baby before and a bunch of them started crowding around trying to sniff and figure out what it was. They didn't seem to mind the parents and got really friendly with the family. It was really cute to see.


Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)Michael先生