
Science Museum

I’ve gone to some history museums, and arts museums, but this weekend I took my first trip to a science museum. It was an interesting and fun experience. My favorite exhibit was “The Stars of Egypt” in the planetarium. The presentation was incredibly beautiful. I couldn’t understand the information since it was all in Japanese, but it was still interesting to see the different constellations that the Egyptians used!

(This photo is not mine)  

Posted by teachers at 20:53Comments(0)Jonathon先生


A Wild Goose Chase

Have you ever chased a wild goose? I have. Actually, chasing geese around was something many of my friends and I did when we visited the park as children. It was great fun creeping toward them then suddenly sprinting forward and feeling like we were so close to catching them! Even if you have never chased a wild goose I bet you have been on a wild goose chase at least once in your life. How are these things different, you ask? Well, a “wild goose chase” is an idiom for searching for something that can’t be found. For example, maybe your friend wants a certain ingredient for a recipe and they ask you to find it for them. So, you drive all over town, going to many different stores, but you can’t find it. You might say you were “sent on a wild goose chase.” Just like the real geese I chased when I was little, you never catch the thing you are looking for but you waste a lot of time trying!

Posted by teachers at 12:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Too cool for me

DANG! These guys are too cool for this guy. My first thought is that super old anime I watched in elementary school, Yu Yu Hakashou. Takes me back.

Friend showed me a band called The Blue Hearts last week. Do you know the single, "Linda Linda". I love the spirit they got. I understand most of the lyrics, but plain form/casual talk has always been my weakness. My other weakness is high energy poppy punk. I'll never grow up I guess. Rancid and Green day we're always blasting out of my brothers room. I thought he was so cool for skating and listening to angry music! haha.

Tell me your childhood music when you see me. Maybe I'm going to this 氣志團 concert! If you see my hair up, you'll know the truth.


Posted by teachers at 08:00Comments(0)Joe先生