Guitar Picks

I've been practicing how to play the guitar. I find myself slowly but surely starting to understand the chords. Just when I was on a roll I somehow misplaced my guitar pick. A guitar pick is a little a flat tool used to pluck or strum a guitar. Without the pick I had to use my bare hands and that kind of hurt. The guitar's strings are quite rough even on my not-so-delicate fingers.
Where could the pick have gone? The apartment is tidy so it couldn't have gone far. I asked my wife (Candice-Sensei) to help me look for it. We searched for hours without any luck. "Maybe it's outside?" my wife said. She quickly ran out of the apartment to search. It wasn't until I looked in my pocket that I found it! You heard right! My guitar pick was in my pocket ALL that time! After that my wife and I quickly went to a reuse shop and bought a whole bag of guitar picks! Safe to say, I'll never be without a guitar pick again!
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