Strange by Nature

It has been an intense week around the globe! Recently Nepal had it's really bad earthquake, a 7.8, killing around 8000 people and just last night they were rocked by another one, a 7.3. It is very strange to have such large events happen so close together. Aside from that we have the United States getting thrashed with tornado after tornado and a whole lot of rain. It is very much abnormal to get all of that weather so fast. Then we come to Japan which had a typhoon come across yesterday, in the middle of may, and we have another scheduled later this week! Also, in tandem with the earthquake in Nepal yesterday there was an earthquake of a 6.6 magnitude here in Japan last night in Tohoku.It is all very strange as far as natural occurrences go. Should we prepare for a larger, more extreme, global event? Or could this be the planet simmering down back into a normal state? I really wonder what this year holds for us globally.
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