Being Sick
Since I came here I seem to get sick very easily. Its pretty strange, back home I didn't get sick this often.
Where I'm from folk remidies are still really popular to use whenever you get sick, so there are some things I always do when I'm sick that might not make much sense to people who didnt grow up in my home province.
For example, my father always believed that a little bit of beer helped with an upset stomach, I can remember being given (very very small amounts) when I got the stomach flu.
My grandmother always used to make a special poultice when I got a splinter. We'd soak bread in milk and then put it on the splinter, and it was suposed to help make the splinter easier to remove.
My other Grandmother used to swear by cracking an egg over a burn to help it heal, but I never tried that one.
I think cures like these aren't used very much anymore, but they're what I grew up with, and I think they're an important part of my heritage.
Where I'm from folk remidies are still really popular to use whenever you get sick, so there are some things I always do when I'm sick that might not make much sense to people who didnt grow up in my home province.
For example, my father always believed that a little bit of beer helped with an upset stomach, I can remember being given (very very small amounts) when I got the stomach flu.
My grandmother always used to make a special poultice when I got a splinter. We'd soak bread in milk and then put it on the splinter, and it was suposed to help make the splinter easier to remove.
My other Grandmother used to swear by cracking an egg over a burn to help it heal, but I never tried that one.
I think cures like these aren't used very much anymore, but they're what I grew up with, and I think they're an important part of my heritage.
Posted by teachers at 16:20│Comments(0)