Cameras, Cameras, Everywhere!

One thing about Japan I’ve really liked is the prevalence of cameras. I'm a photography enthusiast but am admittedly a bit shy or reserved when it comes to taking photos in public places. If I’m walking around a town in America with my camera out taking photos all the time I can feel a bit self-conscious if no one else is doing it. Usually I overcome this and continue on, but the feeling is always there. In Japan, I notice lots of people walking about with cameras or taking photos of the most random things. More importantly, because this is common place I don’t see anyone paying them attention. Seeing this has been great because now I’m much less reserved about taking my camera out. I still try to be respectful and never a public nuisance. Overall this has really encouraged me to take more photos and photos of things I might otherwise have missed.
The photo posted here is one I took of the Marugame Festival Fireworks. I like to play around with camera setting to get cool shots. This one was done by changing the focus mid shot which creates an interesting effect.
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