Cloud Types
On Sunday as I watched the sun set over the river, I noticed an abundance of low clouds in the sky. Although
the sunset itself was not very colorful, I found it interesting how the low hanging cotton-candy clouds in the glowed neon pink against the dark gray background of rain clouds. I've never studied clouds before, but since this blog is an opportunity to educate myself about new new things, I decided to try and find out what they're called.
Clouds are organized by their height in the sky, shape texture, and ability to produce precipitation (rain or snow). According to most of the guides I read, dense cotton-shaped clouds tend to hang low, while the wispy broken-up types are listed as higher up in the atmosphere. It struck my as odd that these guides didn't mention thin wispy clouds hanging underneath dark gray ones. While I'm not confident for sure, my best guess is that they are stratocumulus. According to my favorite beginners guide (linked below), stratocumulus clouds are often misidentified because they look similar to stratus clouds in shape (flat and wispy, allowing the sunlight to shine through) but are closer to the ground like cumulus clouds.
Next week, I'll be back to my regularly scheduled astronomical content with more lunar and planetary events.

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