
What's a Lilly Dilly?

What's a Lilly Dilly? It's not a silly tongue twister, but a popular Summer treat--especially in the Southern United States. Lilly Dillies are usually made of Kool-aid drink . Kool-aid is a powdered drink mix. The powder is mixed with sugar and water to make a sweet refreshing drink. Kool-aid comes in different flavors like Fruit Punch, Grape, Strawberry, and Blueberry. The Kool-aid drink is poured into small paper cups and frozen until solid. The best way to eat a Lilly Dilly is to squeeze the bottom of the cup until it pops up! Then enjoy! Sometimes Grandmothers in the neighborhood would sell Lilly Dillies and other treats like pickles, pickled eggs, and candy during the Summer when children were out of school for the 3 month Summer vacation. She was often referred to as the "Lilly Dilly Lady". The Lilly Dilly Lady was popular in every neighborhood. Children would often line up to order their favorite flavor throughout their day of play and fun. Lilly Dillies are a silly sounding, refreshing treat!

Whats a Lilly Dilly?
Whats a Lilly Dilly?

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What's a Lilly Dilly?