Winter is Coming

One of my favorite seasons is winter, no not because my birthday is in it, but simply because of the snow. There is something about a cold, snowy day, sitting in front of a fire, and enjoying a hot mug of cocoa that makes life seem so perfect. I moved to just outside of Chicago in 2017 and really wasn't expecting to stay, but the first winter I lived here it snowed about 2 feet, so I just had to stay. I'm really thankful I did because I met so many people I love, including my boyfriend, I began my path to the future, and I get to spend every weekend with my best friend. My life has always been a little chaotic, so the peace that I feel on a snowy winter day is always so welcome.
What is your favorite season? Why is it your favorite season?
Thank you, as always! Have an amazing day!
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