
Ready for Winter!!

Ready for Winter!!

My favorite season is winter. When I tell this to people, most react with "WHY?! It's always so cold!". Well, it's precisely that reason that I love the winter. I was born in winter and have always believed that was the main reason for my affection of the season, but I believe that it truly boils down to how beautiful and peaceful winter is. There is a forest preserve within walking distance of my house, and last year I went for a walk in the forest while it was snowing. It was a soft snow, so it created a truly ethereal atmosphere. This winter is bound to be cold and full of snow and I can't wait to go walking through the forest in it. It's extremely peaceful and helps me get my mind off of the stresses of life and the world. I absolutely love winter!

Thanks for reading!


The Best Part of Summer = Riding!
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Family Reunion
On the Road Again!
Happy Birthday America!
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 The Best Part of Summer = Riding! (2021-07-31 17:00)
 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? (2021-07-24 17:00)
 Family Reunion (2021-07-17 17:00)
 On the Road Again! (2021-07-10 17:00)
 Happy Birthday America! (2021-07-03 17:00)
 Summer Vacation Vibes (2021-06-26 17:00)


Ready for Winter!!